
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews

by:  Jesse Andrews
published by:  Harry N. Abrams
publish date:   March 1, 2012

     It is a universally acknowledged truth that high school sucks. But on the first day of his senior year, Greg Gaines thinks he’s figured it out. The answer to the basic existential question: How is it possible to exist in a place that sucks so bad? His strategy: remain at the periphery at all times. Keep an insanely low profile. Make mediocre films with the one person who is even sort of his friend, Earl.
        This plan works for exactly eight hours. Then Greg’s mom forces him to become friends with a girl who has cancer. This brings about the destruction of Greg’s entire life.

So a like a week ago I said I read my favorite book of this year, well that was a lie.  I think THIS is my favorite book of this year.  I think this is one of the funniest books I have ever read in my life.  Greg had me dying laughing.

Greg just wants to go through high school with everyone sort of liking him.  He doesn't want anyone to like him too much because then some other group of people might not like him anymore.  It's a very delicate balance.  He really only has one friend, Earl, but even then Greg considers him more a co-worker in the film business.  Then, Greg's mom forces him to be friends with Rachel who is sick with leukemia.  This throws Greg's whole life into chaos.  The films that Greg and Earl have so carefully guarded are now being shared.  Greg is actually having to socialize with people at school.  For the first time ever, he might actually have a friend in Rachel.

The language in this book is bad.  It's probably like the worst ever, but it's hilarious.  The swearing is probably some of the most inventive I've ever heard and it had me rolling.  Would I recommend this book?  Wholeheartedly, but to grownup kids for sure!  This is one of those books I'd want my kids to read but they'd be like "Mom, every other word is a bad word!!"  I want to go watch the movie now to see how it rates in comparison to the book!

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