
Monday, August 26, 2019

Books I DNF'd - August Edition

Someone Knows:  I DNF'd this one at about 20%  There were too many characters.  All of whom were horrible people.  There was too much family drama and I just couldn't keep up any interest in the story.

You Will Pay:  I got about 50% of the way through the book and gave up.  Literally, nothing happened.  It was  halfway through the book and the characters were still not back into the town they had been asked to go back to after the bones on the beach were found.  It waffled between past and present in multiple perspectives. It was confusing whose perspective I was getting.   I wanted to love this one, but I couldn't take it any more.

We Went to the Woods:  The synopsis was intriguing but sadly, the story didn't live up to it..  I ended up giving up about 20% in.  The characters were so unlikable and pretentious.  I was so bored with them.  I think that if I went into the woods with these characters, I would waste away from boredom. 

The Burglar:  I never thought a book about a burglar could be so slow and boring.  That is until I picked up this book.  I gave up at 25%.  The main character was one of the dullest burglars I have ever read about.  She also had a bunch of TSTL moments.  I just couldn't connect with her or care about what happened to her.

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