
Monday, September 23, 2019

Review: You're Dead by Chris Knopf

Author: Chris Knopf
Publisher:  Permanent Press
Date of publication: December 2018

Organizational psychologist Dr. Waters is a happily solitary guy with a few deep attachments, including to his boss Paresh Rajput, the owner of a thriving hi-tech aerospace company. Until something really bad happens to CEO Rajput, which throws Waters into a lunatic swirl of murderous stalkers, corporate intrigue, amorous female executives and crafty cops who see the inscrutable psychologist as murder suspect #1.

Waters is hardly defenseless. A weight-lifter and former wrestler, ace poker player and master student of human nature, he takes it all on with surprising strength and determination. If they only knew. As with the connivers surrounding him, Waters has his own secrets. Autistic as a child, he lives with the consequences some blessings, others a curse. And a love affair that's hidden even more deeply, or so he thinks.

You're Dead was a random library pick and one I went into knowing very little about.  I did end up enjoying the book.  It involves Dr. Waters who is a psychologist who finds his boss murdered in his own apartment.  Naturally, he becomes the prime suspect.  The only thing he can do is to find out what really happened and clear his name.

The best part of this book was Waters.  He is mildly autistic and, from an early age, has learned to read and mimic social cues from others so that he can fit in.   He is a weight lifter, former wrestler  and actually kind of an all around nice guy.   I enjoyed my time following him as he put the pieces together to solve the mystery of who killed his boss.  I think this is a stand alone book, but he is someone I would love to read more about. I won't talk plot too much. There are some good twists. In fact, the whole solution is fairly convoluted and I never would have been able to guess it on my own.  So, the book gets bonus points for that.  If you are looking for something a bit out of the norm, I highly recommend picking this one up.  

1 comment:

Ethan said...

I love when a random read turns out to be great. Dr. Waters sounds like such a fascinating character!