
Monday, June 6, 2011

Virtual Book Tour - The Hypnotist

Author: M. J. Rose
Publisher: Mira

An FBI agent, tormented by a death he wasn't able to prevent, a crime he's never been able to solve and a love he's never forgotten, discovers that his true conflict resides not in his past, but in a…Past Life.

Haunted by a twenty-year old murder of a beautiful young painter, Lucian Glass keeps his demons at bay through his fascinating work as a Special Agent with the FBI's Art Crime Team. Currently investigating a crazed art collector who has begun destroying prized masterworks, Glass is thrust into a bizarre hostage negotiation that takes him undercover at the Phoenix Foundation—dedicated to the science of past life study—where, in order to maintain his cover, he agrees to submit to the treatment of a hypnotist.

Under hypnosis, Glass travels from ancient Greece to 19th century Persia, while the case takes him from New York to Paris and the movie capital of world. These journeys will change his very understanding of reality, lead him to question his own sanity and land him at the center of perhaps the most audacious art heist in history: the theft of a 1,500 year old sculpture from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

The Hypnotist is the third book in The Reincarnationist series by MJ Rose. This is the first of the series that I have read. I was told that each book can be read as a stand alone and I never had the feeling that I was missing information. I did enjoy this book, so I will be looking up the others in the series. The book was a bit slow in the beginning, but once Lucian Glass is introduced, the second time, the book really gets going. I'm glad I stuck with it. The plot is very well written with many twists and turns. I never really knew who to trust. I didn't figure out the end at all, which I always love in a book. The parts about past lives was interesting. This book has a little bit for everyone: mystery, intrigue, terrorism, and romance (a little bit). I definitely recommend this one and look forward to reading the others in the series.


* note: I read a complimentary copy of The Hypnotist supplied courtesy of the author. I was not compensated in anyway for this review. By receiving a complimentary copy, I am in no way obligated to write a good or bad review. I am an honest reviewer and my reviews are based on my own opinion and only written by me.*

1 comment:

  1. I really love series where the books can stand alone. I don't want to have to read the whole thing if I don't want to. Especially if one seems better than another.


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