
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Throwback Thursday - Irresistible?

Author: Stephanie Bond
First Published in 1997 by Harlequin books

From Harlequin: This is a reissue by Harlequin Treasury which is a new imprint from Harlequin that launched in July 2011. It prints back-list titles that have been recently digitized.

Wanted: Single women of any age to take part in a four-week clinical study.

Ellie Sutherland wasn't exactly desperate… yet. But after fourteen months, five days and two hours of being without a man, she was getting pretty close. So when she had a chance to try out a pill that attracted the opposite sex, Ellie didn't waste any time signing up. After all, she had nowhere to go but up!

Almost immediately, men started falling at her feet. She even had sexy Mark Blackwell eating out of her hand. And before long, she'd fallen head over heels in love with him, too. Ellie's life was a perfect, at least for a while. But when the pills ran out, would Mark still find her irresistible?

I was excited when I read that Harlequin was releasing older romances in e-book format. I'm hoping this will make it easier to find some of the older books by my favorite authors that I haven't been able to get my hands on.

Irresistible? by Stephanie Bond is an interesting concept for a book. Ellie enters a clinical trial for pheromone tablets and suddenly men are noticing her all over the place. She falls for Mark, but doesn't know if it is the pills that are making him fall for her.

While I liked to idea, I'm not sure I liked the main characters. Ellie seemed a bit too flighty for me and Mark was kind of a jerk. I know they say opposites attract, but these 2 just didn't seem right for each other. I couldn't see much in their relationship except physical attraction. There are some amusing scenes in the book that make it worth reading. Ellie's roommate Manny is hilarious! I haven't read anything else by Stephanie Bond, but I look forward to trying another one by her.


Note: I read a complimentary copy of Irresistible? supplied courtesy of HQN Books. I was not compensated in any way for this review. By receiving a complimentary copy, I am in no way obligated to write a good or bad review. I am an honest reviewer and my reviews are based on my own opinion and only written by me.*

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