
Monday, November 21, 2011

Blog Tour: Review and Interview - Amber's Muse by Lacey Wolfe

Today we have an interview with Lacey Wolfe, who is promoting her debut novella, Amber's Muse.

Author: Lacey Wolfe
Publisher: Beachwalk Press (October 17, 2011)

Sometimes it’s the person you least expect who can satisfy all your desires.

By day Amber’s a librarian, and by night she hides away writing erotic romance novels. She has just one problem—not enough sexual experience to pull from. A recent steamy dream leaves Amber wondering if her neighbor Jax might be just the guy who can help her. He seems almost perfect to use as a sexual guinea pig, especially since she doesn’t have to worry about falling in love with him.

Jax has lived next door to Amber for a year and has tried everything he can think of to get her to notice him, but it hasn’t worked. Until recently. When Amber approaches him asking for his help, he’s ready to jump on board. When he learns exactly what kind of help she needs, he’s definitely willing.  Becoming involved with someone like Jax simply isn’t an option for Amber. He barely works, can’t manage his money, and has no ambition in life. So why does he suddenly seem so right for her?

First my thoughts:

Amber's Muse is a short erotica story.  I was able to finish this pretty quickly. I enjoyed the story and thought the love scenes were very steamy and well written.  I was intrigued by the premise of the story.  I have always wondered how authors can write such great love scenes.  I really liked the chemistry between Jax and Amber. Jax is a great guy and it was refreshing to see him want to change and better himself.  I'm not sure I liked Amber all that much. I thought her reaction to the internet was a bit over dramatic and if I was Jax, I would have walked away without a second glance.  As with most novellas, I always want more. I do recommend this one.  I look forward to reading more from Ms. Wolfe in the future.

Ms. Wolfe was nice enough to answer a few questions for us:

Kari: What inspired you to become a writer?

Lacey: I have always loved to create stories. It was always my escape from reality. Like most other authors will tell you, I have scenes play out in my head and it often feels like they need me to tell their story. So, I do as best I can. Sometimes its just the scene I write, and sometimes it turns into so much more.

Kari: Where did you come up with the idea for your book?

Lacey: I actually saw an ad from a publisher with an open call for erotic submissions. I had a few different ideas stirring around and I wondered if any of them could have an erotic twist. My character Amber seemed perfect, so Amber's Muse was written.

Kari: What is your favorite part of the book?

Lacey: I have two favorite parts. The first is when Amber notices Jax and sees that he is more then just some dork next door. He's hot and maybe he is worth exploring. My second favorite is the last chapter. Each character grew and I think the story ended nicely.

Kari: What exciting projects are waiting in the wings?

Lacey: I'm currently writing a four book novella series. The series is titled Hot Bods and book one Fool Me Once should be out end of 2011 or early 2012. I'm having a lot of fun writing this series and I hope readers enjoy it.

Kari: Just for fun, if you could be any animal, what would it be and why?

Lacey: A long haired cat. I love cats--we have six. I especially love long haired cats. They seem to have different personality. Plus, they look so much more cuddly.

Thanks for having me!

About the author:

It's always been my dream to be a writer. Ever sense I was a child, creating stories has been a passion of mine. I have always said that one day I would be an author. Finally, I am working on this dream of mine. I have two children who have been keeping me busy for the past 7 years. My youngest is starting pre-k this year and I have more time for me and to concentrate on what I want out of this life. So I am picking up pen and paper...well I guess keyboard and screen, and working on this dream. It isn't going to be easy. There will be many ups and downs, but I am ready. I know this dream will come true, my mom told me so, "You can be anything you want to be when you grow up." Thanks mom, here goes nothing!

Buy links: Amazon / Nook / BeachwalkPress / 

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