
Friday, November 11, 2011

Forbidden by Ted Dekker and Tosca Lee

Authors: Ted Dekker and Tosca Lee
Narrator: Henry Levya
Publisher: Hachette Book Group (September 2011)
Audio version by Hachette Audio

1200 years ago, during the Age of Chaos, life as people knew it was nearly annihilated by hatred, ambition, zealotry and war. From the aftermath of near destruction rose a message of hope through the establishment of a new order-one which elevated knowledge and control above the volatility of emotion and expression. No more would the world suffer the effects of malice, greed or passion. Strong, mitigating emotion exists only in historical memory...

After happening upon an ancient journal through strange circumstance, Rom's world is shattered. He learns that humanity long ago ceased to feel any emotion besides pain, that it exists today in a living death. In a terrible risk, Rom exposes himself to the vial of blood folded into the old leather of the journal. His change is fearful and fraught with mind-bending emotion. A once-pious observer of the Order's passionless statues, he is filled with uncontrollable impulses. He is filled with love.

He is undone, terrified, and alone in the dead world

The problem with reading the first book in a series right when it comes out, instead of waiting for the entire series, is that you have to wait so long for the next book.  I have no patience when it come to this! I can't wait until the next book come out.  I want to know what happens next!  I really, really enjoyed this book.  Ted Dekker and Tosca Lee make a great team!  Forbidden takes you into a future where people are ruled by fear and no other emotion. Peace has been found through the Order, but at what price? Rom stumbles upon a secret that will change everything for him and the rest of the world.

Forbidden was a nice change of pace for me. Having read a few YA dystopian books in the past couple of weeks, I was growing a bit tired of the "teen saves the world" story line. It was nice to read about some adults for a change.  The characters in this book are very well fleshed out.  I felt like I got to know them fairly well.  I loved Rom and Avra.  That moment when they realize they have been in love for a very long time, yet just couldn't was priceless.

There was enough science mixed with mythology and fantasy to keep me interested throughout the book.  I don't want to say too much about the plot, because I think it would ruin it for you. I will tell you that there is a mix of some humor as well as a few heart wrenching scenes.  Heart wrenching enough to make me tear up as I listened to the audio at work.  I credit the excellent writring as well as the excellent narration by Henry Leyva for this.  I recognized Mr. Leyva's from another Ted Dekker book, The Priests' Graveyard, which I reviewed  a while back.

Forbidden is a wild ride, but so worth the trip!


1 comment:

  1. I loved Forbidden and like you am anxious for the next in the series. I stalked Netgalley for an early copy of Forbidden and I hope I'm as lucky with Mortal.

    Girl Who Reads


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