
Friday, November 25, 2011

Sacred Evil & The Evil Inside by Heather Graham

Since I listened to the audio version of these 2 book close together, I figured I would put them in the same post to save time.

Author: Heather Graham
Publisher: Mira (July 2011)
Audiobook by Brilliance Audio

The details of the crime scene are no coincidence. The body – a promising starlet – has been battered, bloodied and then discarded between two of Manhattan’s oldest graveyards.
One look and Detective Jude Crosby recognizes the tableau: a re-creation of Jack the Ripper’s gruesome work. But he also sees something beyond the actions of a mere copycat. Something more dangerous…and unexplainable. 

As the city seethes with suspicion, Jude calls on Whitney Tremont, a member of the country’s preeminent paranormal investigating team, to put the speculation to rest. Yet when Whitney and Jude delve deeper, what they discover is more shocking than either could have predicted, and twice as sinister…

Sacred Evil is the third book in the "Krewe of Hunters" series by Heather Graham.  I was a bit disappointed with the last one, so I was a little leery of this one.  I was very pleasantly surprised.  I thought Sacred Evil was much better than Heart of  Evil.  I was happy to see that there was more of the team as a whole in this one.  That was one thing that I was missing from book 2.

While I liked the romance in this one, I think it was the mystery that held my interest more.   I liked her use of the Jack the Ripper theme in this one.  It is a real life mystery that has always intrigued me.  I had a hard time deciding who the killer was going to turn out to be.  Ms. Graham did a good job of making me change my mind several times during the book.  The end was a nice twist.  As for the romance, it was really secondary to the story.  Jude and Whitney were a great couple.  The attraction was instant, but I felt it was sincere. The love scenes, I thought, were better written than in the other 2 of the series.  That was a nice touch.
I do recommend this one especially if you have been reading the series. 

Author: Heather Graham
Publisher: Mira (August 2011)
Audiobook by Brilliance Audio

For as long as it has stood overlooking New England’s jagged coastline, Lexington House has been the witness to madness…and murder. But in recent years the inexplicable malice that once tormented so many has lain as silent as its victims. Until now…

A member of the nation’s foremost paranormal forensic team, Jenna Duffy has made a career out of investigating the inexplicable. Yet nothing could prepare her for the string of slayings once again plaguing Lexington House – or for the chief suspect, a boy barely old enough to drive, much less kill.

With the young man’s life on the line, Jenna must team up with attorney Samuel Hill to pinpoint who – or what – is taking the lives of those who get too close to the past. But everything they learn brings them closer to the forces of evil stalking this tortured ground.

The Evil Inside is the 4th book in the series.  I enjoyed this one as much as the rest of them.  The mystery was interesting as it took place in Salem, MA.  I have been there several times, especially during the Halloween season, so it was easy to immerse myself in the setting.  This time around, the story centers on the Salem witch trials as well a house that has a history of brutal murder.  A young boy stand accused of killing his family.  Did he do it? You have to read to find out.

I had a hard time figuring out the killer until right near the end.  Ms. Graham threw in a lot of twists into this on and that made the book go by really quickly.  I loved Jenna and Sam together.  Their relationship was so easy it just had to make you smile.  Sam's sense of humor was a nice touch.  We also get some updates on the rest of the team, which was nice.

I hope that Ms. Graham writes a 5th book.  I want Will to get his story!

Definitely worth a listen to.  Luke Daniels narrated both books.  I have heard him before and do enjoy his voice.

1 comment:

  1. I have the first of this series on audio and will start it soon. I'm looking forward to it more now.


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