
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Throwback Thursday: Not Even for Love by Sandra Brown

Author: Sandra Brown writing as Erin St. Claire
First published in 1982 by Pocket Books

Not Even for Love is a playful story about love at first sight. Jordan Hadlock is surprised to find a fellow American outside her bookshop in Switzerland especially one so ruggedly handsome. Whats even more surprising are the feelings this stranger, Reeves Grant, awakens inside of her.

First a comment on the cover..I think it has to be the raciest one I've seen  from the 80s so far.  At least, out of the ones I have featured for Throwback Thursday.  In fact, I like this one.  It doesn't make me giggle.   Overall, I liked this story.  I do like "love at first sight" tales. There are plenty of pretty steamy love scenes packed into this book. In fact,  I think they are some of the best love scenes I have read by Ms. Brown.

I really liked Reeves character.  It is fun to see a guy fall hard and fast. He is a fun-loving guy who has a good sense of humor.  However, I didn't care for Jordan.  I thought she was a bit wimpy.  She went from one bad marriage to almost marrying another man just like the first one.  For someone who was willing to move to a different country for a fresh start, she had no courage to speak her mind with Helmut and let him dictate her life for her.  I also detested how she strung Helmut along.

I listened to the audio version of this one.  It's a quick book with only 5 CDs.  Worth listen if you want a fast romantic indulgence.      

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