
Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Next Always by Nora Roberts

Author: Nora Roberts
Publisher: Berkeley Publishing Group
Audiobook publisher: Brilliance Audio
Date of publication: November 2011

The historic hotel in BoonsBoro, Maryland, has endured war and peace, changing hands, even rumored hauntings. Now it’s getting a major facelift from the Montgomery brothers and their eccentric mother. As the architect of the family, Beckett’s social life consists mostly of talking shop over pizza and beer. But there’s another project he’s got his eye on: the girl he’s been waiting to kiss since he was fifteen…

Who doesn't like a new book by Nora Roberts?  Sure, they are formulaic at times, but I think that is why I like them so much.  I know what I am getting when I open the book.  I can always count on Nora for a sweet and sigh worthy read. The Next Always is the first in a new series featuring the Montgomery brothers.  They are carpenters and contractors who are working to bring back an old inn in the center of town back to life.  The first book is filled with romance, friendship, and even a ghost.   

I loved Beckett and Clare.  Their romance was very sweet.  Beckett is so cute.  I loved how he got tongue-tied around Clare, a woman he has been in love with since they were 15.  He wants to take things slow with Clare, but she has other plans.  Clare is raising her 3 boys alone after her husband was killed in the war. She is a strong person yet a little unsure of getting back into the dating game. The her ruse to get him on the house after their first real date was priceless.  I loved the interactions between Beckett and the boys during their "Man nights".  Too cute.

As in most of Nora's books, there is a great set of peripheral characters who will most likely be the focus of the rest of the trilogy.  The banter between Beckett and his brothers is funny and genuine.  I look forward to the next book which looks like it is Owen and Avery's story.  I also want to know more about the ghost named "Lizzie" that seems to be haunting the Inn.  

The audiobook was great.  I loved the narrator.  Real book or audio, you won't want to miss this one!


  1. I love the cover on this and you're right who doesn't love a new book by Nora Roberts?

  2. Found you on Author E.M.S.

    Stopping by again to have a look around.



    Silver's Reviews


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