
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Hunter Moon by Cait Lavender

Giveaway details: 
I have been authorized to give away 1 copy of Hunter Moon.  This will be an ebook, so it is open internationally.  Just leave a comment with a valid e-mail address to enter.  This will be open until May 5, 2012.  Good Luck!

Author: Cait Lavender
Publisher: Kindle Direct
Date of Publication: March 2012

Bawling cattle tore Shelby Flint from her bed. With lawyer fees to pay in her struggle to keep her ranch from the clutches of her greedy cousins, she couldn’t afford the loss of even one calf. When she sees a large wolf circling her cows, she aims and fires. While the wolf escapes, Shelby can’t seem to get away from her troubles when a marijuana grower sets up shop on her land, sabotaging her property and eventually coming after her. Adding to that, a handsome game warden is poking his nose into her business and working his way underneath her skin. Shelby will have to fight harder than she ever fought before to keep from losing her heart and everything she ever loved.

 Hunter Moon is an enjoyable story.  The one thing I did  love about it were the characters!  Shelby is one tough lady.  I loved that she was strong, independent and wasn't afraid to face danger.  She also was willing to fight for what was hers.  Cash was a great match for Shelby.Their chemistry was sizzling, if not a bit frustrating.  But, I did like that they didn't jump in the sack after the first kiss.  The peripheral characters rounded out the book nicely.  

While I did enjoy the book overall, I felt like the first half of the book dragged a bit. It didn't really get going until halfway through the book.  Then, it sucked me right in.  For me, the book started out to as a romantic suspense, then changed over into a paranormal romance.   I wish that the paranormal aspect of the book had come in a lot sooner than it did.  I think the book would have flowed better for me that way.   Be warned, this book ends in a huge cliffhanger.  At first, I thought I was missing part of the book.  As you know, I'm not a fan of cliffhangers.  I can only hope that the next installment comes out soon because I HAVE to know what happens next!  

I do recommend giving Hunter Moon a shot.  I look forward to reading more from Ms. Lavender.  

About the Author:

I'm a twenty-six year old wife and stay at home mother of one (so far) in Central California. I live on a cattle ranch in Central California where my husband and I raise papered Black Angus cattle. When I'm not chasing my toddler around the house or doing mountains of never-ending laundry I'm writing feverishly or reading anything I can get my hands on. My favorite thing about books is their ability to transport you out of the stress and fatigue of your own life into a more interesting, sexy world.

If it's fiction, I love it. I love the huge fantasy sagas like The Lord of the Rings or The Wheel of Time series as well as pretty much anything Paranormal. My first real foray into fantasy was with Piers Anthony's Xanth series. I fell head over heels for the magic, the romance, the humor and THE PUNS! Now I try to utilize all those aspects in my own writing, hoping to give you a funny and sexy experience and help make your day brighter.

Website –

Purchase Link -


  1. Cait, sounds like an enjoyable book. I love to win it.

  2. I fell in love with Cait when I read a short of hers in an anthology! I sooo need to get her full length book! I put it in my wish list. I keep hoping hubby will see it ;). delphinareadstoomuch at yahoo

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