
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Throwback Thursday: Trust Me on This by Jennifer Crusie


Author: Jennifer Crusie
First published in 1997 by Loveswept 

As soon as Alec Prentice spotted the spicy brunette in red silk, he vowed that the tempting con woman would not escape him! Dennie Banks was prepared to do anything to get her story, even flirt her way into the arms of a man who promised to help; but when the feisty reporter dared him to kiss her, his mouth scorched hers with wildfire yearning.

Could two passionate partners in crime get their man and each other?

In the introduction to the book, Ms. Crusie states that she had always wanted to write a screwball comedy. And write one, she did!  Trust Me on This was a pretty funny madcap adventure.  In a way, it reminded me of an old black and white comedy.  It's filled with mistaken identity, hijinks and major misunderstandings.  Among all of these adventures, there are two very sweet romances.  There are some big laugh out loud moments that kept me wanting to keep listening in my car long after I had arrived home from my commute. If you missed this early work by Ms. Crusie, why not try out the audiobook? It's a pretty quick listen and a ton of fun!

1 comment:

  1. I've read several of her books because of the Cincinnati setting - I have to support the local author!


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