
Thursday, September 27, 2012


We're really excited about Blogfest.  We want to celebrate in a big way!

You can find the Full List of Participating Blogs HERE.  Make sure to check out these blogs:
Hesperia Loves Books
Feather Stone, Author
Nicki Elson's Not-So-Deep Thoughts
Malevolent Musings
Kelly's Lucky You

We will be giving away 6 prize packs!  US Shipping addresses only please.  Please fill out the Rafflecopter Form below to enter    

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Check out our Banned Books Giveaway while you're here!!


  1. Great giveaway. My first choice would be pack #1 and then pack #4.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  2. For some reason your GFC button is not working for me to follow you - I will check back later
    Pack#6 (I lost your whole site but this comment window) It's the last pack...I think it was #6:)

  3. I love this kind of sharing giveaway, Autumn and Kari! I'd take #4 package, if I could win. Great blog, as always!

  4. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  5. Would love pkg #2. The Laura Lippman was one of our tours, but I didn't take a spot :(

  6. Love the Blog Fest! I would love to win sets 4 and 5!

    By the way I had just checked out the banned book post and since I had previoulsy viewed the list of banned books I loved your post!

    I'm still trying to figure out what happened between the 1960's when I was in High School and half the list was included as part of our "required reading" that had to be done before we could graduate! When did we become the "censor" of what should be read and accepted? We were taught that we SHOULD read these books so we understood we needed to be MORE in tune with the world - not less - and to learn from the past to have a better future for all!

  7. Thanks everyone for stopping by! This hop has been a great success and we're so excited about all the new faces :)

    Jeanne-I totally agree with everything you said!!


Thanks for stopping by today. We appreciate your comments :)