
Friday, May 10, 2013

Interview & Review: A Bitter Reunion by J. N. Johnson

Please welcome author J. N. Johnson who is promoting the latest novella in the Clearwater Series, A Bitter Reunion.  Enjoy her interview after my review.

Publisher: Sunshine Press
Date of publication: April 2013

Lilly Myers ran from Clearwater ten years ago to start a new life as a nurse, leaving all of the pain and anguish of her broken heart behind. The last thing she ever wanted was to return home and face the grueling questions about her sudden disappearance. But the invitation to her ten-year class reunion and the growing need to see her family has her reluctantly boarding the first plane back.
Joshua Taylor has spent the last ten years managing his outfitters business, but it was never enough to keep his mind off the girl who got away. He’s always hoped the love of his life would return home and forgive him for the night she found him in another woman’s embrace.

Mending fences along the way Joshua is prepared to do anything he can to prove his worth to Lilly. Now a hurt and angry Lilly is within arm’s reach, and Joshua is prepared to fight for her, even if it means facing danger head on.  Can love blossom from such a bitter reunion?

My thoughts:

A Bitter Reunion is the second in the Clearwater Series by Sunshine Publication.  The series is set up to be a multi-author series  For the most part, I enjoyed the novella.  As I have said before, I am a sucker for long lost love stories-lines.  I liked Joshua and Lilly.  I really found myself rooting for them to find their way back to each other.  The only thing that I thought was odd was that in this day and age of technology, even in the last 10 years, it couldn't have been that hard for Joshua to find Lilly.  If he really loved her, wouldn't he have tried a bit harder?  Despite this, it's a sweet story.  I liked the peripheral characters of the town and hope to read more stories from Clearwater in the future.  Maybe Lilly's brother will be next?

Kari& Autumn: What inspired you to become a writer? 

J. N.: I began reviewing for Sizzling Hot Book Reviews a few years ago and fell head over heels for short story romances. I loved the quick reads with happy endings and soon my own stories were coming alive and demanding that they be written.

Kari& Autumn: Where do you come up with the ideas for your books? 

J. N.:  My idea for my first book, Passionate Tides came to my while I was planning our family vacation to Topsail Island, NC. It just kind of wrote itself, fast and furiously while I was lying in bed.

My newest release A Bitter Reunion; A Clearwater Novella came to life out of the amazing world that was created by Marissa Dobson. She invented this great town full of interesting characters for the multi-author series and I was fortunate enough to be able to join the family and write a story that fit so well into her world. My third book Unwanted Proposal will be released later this summer and is a continuation of the Clearwater Series.

Kari& Autumn: What exciting projects are waiting in the wings? 

J. N.:  I just finished my first paranormal Ravens Legacy, A Between Fire and Ice Novella a few days ago. I am so excited to see peoples reaction to this story because it’s so far left of what I normally write.

Kari& Autumn:Who is your favorite literary character and why?

J. N.: That is a tossup between Elizabeth Bennett and Jo from Little Women. Two very strong and independent women who knew what they wanted and were hell bent on defending the people they loved.

Kari& Autumn: Just for fun, if you could be any animal, what would it be and why? 

J. N.: My dog Bo, he is the most spoiled creature on the face of the Earth. Just one day of pampering like he receives would make me a very happy woman.

About the author:

Living in her hometown of Charleston, West Virginia, JN Johnson is the proud mother of two beautiful little
girls and is married to her high school sweetheart (and greatest supporter ) whom she considers the rock that keeps her grounded.

She was first introduced to the world of fantasy when she was seven years old reading The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe making her never want to read about “the real world” again. Her mother and grandmother’s love of romance novels gave her the opportunity to learn about book trading, taking all of their old books to the local flea market to trade for anything that sparked her interest. Those days are long gone; her books now stay safely on her book shelves at home and out of harm’s way.

She loves to hear from readers, writers and reviewers so please drop her a note at or her on Facebook

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