
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Review: The Wanderer by Robyn Carr

Author: Robyn Carr
Publisher: Mira (Harlequin)
Date of publication: March 2013

Nestled on the Oregon coast is a small town of rocky beaches and rugged charm. Locals love the land's unspoiled beauty. Developers see it as a potential gold mine. When newcomer Hank Cooper learns he's been left an old friend's entire beachfront property, he finds himself with a community's destiny in his hands.

Cooper has never been a man to settle in one place, and Thunder Point was supposed to be just another quick stop. But Cooper finds himself getting involved with the town. And with Sarah Dupre, a woman as complicated as she is beautiful.

With the whole town watching for his next move, Cooper has to choose between his old life and a place full of new possibilities. A place that just might be home.

The Wanderer is the first in a new series.  It is supposed to be an off shoot of Ms. Carr's Virgin River Series.  I haven't read any of those books yet, but I didn't feel like I needed to in order to enjoy this book.  The book is a great first book in a series.  Ms. Carr has woven a tale not just about two people who find love, but an entire town filled with interesting characters.

At the center of this story is Cooper.  He has come to Thunder Point to find out what happened to his friend.  He soon discovers that he has inherited a huge sum of land, a broken down bar and a handy man who doesn't seem to want to make new friends.  Sarah has recently moved to the area to escape her divorce and try to start over with her brother in a new life.  When the two finally meet (it takes a while), sparks fly and the tension is thick.  The romance between theses two was slow and very sweet.  I loved these two together. They are so right for each other.

Along with Cooper and Sarah, we are treated to one other sweet side romance.  I was really rooting for Mac and Gina to get together.  They were too cute in the end.  I loved the scene on the beach!  It was one of my favorites of the book.  They are the center of the next book and I can't wait. There is so much going on in this book that I really hate to give it away. With great characters, a bad guy, and a bit of a mystery, you can't go wrong!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this. I have often wondered whether I should pick up a book of Ms. Carr's. I enjoy reading what I call "quiet" books from time to time, as a break from more intense reads.


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