
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Throwback Thursday: Rebel Waltz by Kay Hooper


Author: Kay Hooper 
First published in  1986 by Loveswept (Bantam Books)

With its antebellum setting and gallant history, Jasmine Hall was more than just a business for Banner Clairmont. The lovingly preserved plantation-era inn had been home to the Clairmont family for generations. But the realities of modern real-estate had made it time to sell even the most priceless treasures. So it was hardly with a great deal of enthusiasm that Banner led real-estate speculator Rory Stewart around the property. How could this stranger—whose southern charm and universal good looks made it impossible to entirely distrust him—have any idea of Jasmine Hall’s true value?

I'm a big fan of Ms. Hooper's older books.  While they are over 25 years old, they are timeless.  They have just the right amount of cheesy romance factor to make them fun to read.  Rebel Waltz is no exception.  

I enjoyed the romance between Rory and Banner.  Rory falls hard and fast when he meets Banner.  His pursuit of her was amusing.  I'll admit that I liked Rory more than I like Banner.  I thought she gave him too much of a hard time about things.  Personally, I thought the "practical joke" that she plays on him to get back at him for helping her was in very poor taste.  I didn't see the humor in it.  Anyway, while it's not the best of her early works, it is an enjoyable read.

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