
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Working It Out by Rachael Anderson

Author: Rachael Anderson
Publisher: HEA Publishing
Date of publication: July 2013

A chance encounter . . . 
Grace Warren’s life is safe and predictable—exactly the way she likes it. But when she gets roped into going to an auction to help out a friend, everything changes. She meets Seth Tuttle—a guy who unexpectedly kisses her then disappears, leaving her flustered and upset. If she never sees him again, it will be too soon.
A chance for love . . . 
Weeks later, when Seth limps into Grace’s rehab clinic post surgery, she immediately recognizes him. Unfortunately, he’s every bit as frustrating and annoying as she remembered. Yet there’s something about him that makes her second-guess her carefully placed boundaries even though he’s everything she’s sure she doesn't want in a man. But maybe Seth is exactly what Grace has needed all along—assuming she’s willing to risk safe and predictable for a chance at love.
Working it Out is another really sweet romance from author Rachael Anderson.  It's also another sign that it is possible to write sigh-worthy clean romances.  Grace and Seth are two people who are so right for each other.  They both are able to bring out the best in each other.  I loved that the relationship built slowly.  They essentially became friends first and that made them stronger.  
I loved Seth and his outlook on life.  I could understand Grace's hesitation with Seth's daredevil tendencies.  Especially after we find out about what happened to her brother.  I think that fear would be something that would be hard to get past.  Their HEA was wonderful and the epilogue in the end was perfect! 
While I loved the side romance, I wish that we could have seen more behind the scenes of how they got together.  Lanna and Alec's story is definitely one I would want to read.   I look  forward to reading Ms. Anderson's next book!

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About the author:

Rachael Anderson is the author of five novels (Working It Out, The Reluctant Bachelorette,
Minor Adjustments, Luck of the Draw, and Divinely Designed) and two novellas (Twist of Fate, from the All I Want anthology and The Meltdown Match from The Timeless Romance Anthology: Summer Wedding Collection). She’s the mother of four and is pretty good at breaking up fights, or at least sending guilty parties to their rooms. She can’t sing, doesn’t dance, and despises tragedies. But she recently figured out how yeast works and can now make homemade bread, which she is really good at eating.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great review and for participating in the tour! I really appreciate it!


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