
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Autumn's Most Anticipated of 2014

The Killing Jar by Jennifer Bosworth  
Conversion by Katherine Howe 
Goodnight June by Sarah Jio 
While Beauty Slept by Elizabeth Blackwell 
End Time by Anna Schumacher 
Scan by Walter Jury and S.E. Fine 
Forget Me by K.A. Harrington  
Ask Me by Kimberly Pauley 
Fog of Dead Souls by Jill Kelly 
The Widow's Walk by Robert Barclay

1 comment:

  1. enjoyed your blog today and looking at the preview of books for the year.
    I've been undergoing chemo for lung cancer so haven't been as active as I was with blogging but I still love hearing from friends.
    So if you get a chance, please stop by at my blog and say hi.


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