
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Eyes Wide Open by Ted Dekker

Author: Ted Dekker
Publisher: Worthy Publishing
Date of publcation: January 2014

Who am I?

My name is Christy Snow. I’m seventeen and I’m about to die. I’m buried in a coffin under tons of concrete. No one knows where I am. My heart sounds like a monster with clobber feet, running straight toward me. I’m lying on my back, soaked with sweat from the hair on my head to the soles of my feet. My hands and feet won’t stop shaking.

Some will say that I’m not really here. Some will say I’m delusional. Some will say that I don’t even exist. But who are they? I’m the one buried in a grave.

My name is Christy Snow. I’m seventeen. I’m about to die. So who are you?

This book was originally released in 4 parts.  The version I read had all 4 parts together in one volume. It's a pretty quick read and was enjoyable.   I will have to say that I spent a lot of the middle of the book confused as to what was going on.   Christy and her friend Austin somehow end up being mistaken for mental patients with different names.  What follows is a pretty wild trip where they both begin to question what is real and what is delusion.  Neither youth knows where they came from or remember anything about their lives before the age of 13.  I was happy that for the most part, the story all came together in the end.

I liked the overall message of the book.  Accepting and loving ourselves is the only way to truly love and accept others.  It takes most of us a long time to understand that.  One of the thing that I didn't like was that I felt like the message was too cryptic.  I think younger people reading this book might not really get the message.  I also wish there was more information about where Christy and Austin came from. I felt like that was not fleshed out enough.  This was quite a different book than I have read from this author in the past.  I look forward to the next book by him!

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