
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Blog Tour: On the Rocks by Erin Duffy

Author: Erin Duffy
Publisher: William Morrow
Date of publication: April 2014

Six months ago, Abby's life fell apart for all the world to see. Her longtime boyfriend-turned-fiancé, Ben, unceremoniously dumped her-on Facebook-while she was trying on dresses for the big day.

When the usual remedies-pints of Ben & Jerry's, sweatpants, and a comfy couch-fail to work their magic, her best friend, Grace, devises a plan to get Abby back on her game. She and Abby are going to spend the summer in Newport, in a quaint cottage by the sea, enjoying cool breezes, cocktails, and a crowd of gorgeous men.

But no matter how far away they go, Abby and Grace discover that in the era of social media-when everyone is preserving every little detail of their lives online-there is no real escape. Dating has never been easy. But now that the rules are more blurred than ever, how will they find true love? And even if they do, can romance stand a chance when a girl's every word and move can go viral with a single click?

On the Rocks was just the book I needed this week to put me in a good mood.  It's a well written and amusing look at one woman's attempt to put her life back together after a very public break-up.  Abby was trying on her wedding dress when her friend Grace notices that Ben, Abby's fiance, has broken up with her on Facebook.  After 6 months of eating ice cream and living like a hermit, Grace convinces Abby to spend the summer in a beach house in Newport.  There she meets new friends and begins to put her life back together.

I thought this book was funny, compelling, and endearing  at the same time.   I loved Abby and was rooting for her through the entire book.  The other characters were great and easy to relate to.  They added some great comic relief, especially Bobby. There are some great laugh out loud moments in the book, but then who wouldn't laugh at some of the outrageous men that Abby meets in her quest to find a new man. Imagine a guy with pink pants and a belt with whales on it...I had a serious 80s flashback for a moment! 

The best part about this book is the lesson that Abby and her friends learn.  That you don't need a significant other to make your life complete.  You only need to learn to love yourself to truly be happy.  Getting your HEA is just a bonus.  I highly recommend this book.  I think it would be a great book to take with you on vacation or to curl up with on a rainy day with a cup of tea.  I can't wait to see what Ms. Duffy writes next!

About the author:
Erin Duffy graduated from Georgetown University in 2000 with a B.A. in English and worked on Wall Street, a career that inspired her first novel, Bond Girl. She lives in New York City with her husband (whom she met the old-fashioned way—in a bar).
Tour Stops:
Tuesday, April 22nd: Walking With Nora
Wednesday, April 23rd: From the TBR Pile
Thursday, April 24th: bookchickdi
Monday, April 28th: Books in the City
Monday, April 28th: A Bookish Affair
Tuesday, April 29th: cupcake’s book cupboard
Wednesday, April 30th: A Chick Who Reads
Thursday, May 1st: From L.A. to LA
Tuesday, May 6th: No More Grumpy Bookseller
Friday, May 9th: Peeking Between the Pages

1 comment:

  1. Don't you just love it when the perfect book finds you at the perfect time?! I'm so glad this was that book for you.

    Thanks for being a part of the tour!


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