
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Heart of Danger by Lisa Marie Rice

Author: Lisa Marie Rice
Publisher: Avon Red
Date of publication: November 2012

Beautiful, brilliant, and determined, Dr. Catherine Young is on a mission to find a man who has vanished into thin air. Walking into a high-tech hideaway bearing an essential message to Tom "Mac" McEnroe, Team Leader of the betrayed Ghost Ops force, is the most dangerous thing she has ever done. The soldier she encounters is frightening and suspicious, but her senses reveal the man underneath: tough, honorable, and so breathtakingly masculine Catherine feels weak in his presence . . . But to surrender to Mac's passionate desires would put her life in dire jeopardy. Catherine has a gift that enables her to see into the heart of others—and looking into Mac's is like staring into the very heart of danger itself.

Going into Heart of Danger, I thought I was getting a straight romantic suspense.  Instead, I was pleasantly surprised to get a bit of romance and suspense, mixed with paranormal and Sci-fi.  I enjoyed the book and think it is going to be a good series over all.  The book takes place in the near future.  It's a little dystopian, but nothing too crazy that you often find in YA books. ( Please note, this isn't a YA book!) Mac and his colleagues have been wrongly accused of treason and have gone "off the grid".  Catherine needs to find them in order to help a patient of hers.    Catherine is a brilliant scientist who is working on some cutting edge Alzheimer's/Dementia research...or so she thinks.

I enjoyed the characters in the story.  I thought Mac and Catherine's connection was real given her talent for reading feelings.  I liked them together.  It was fun to see an alpha like Mac fall hard and fall fast!  More than the romance though, I  loved the sanctuary that they guys have built.  It sounds like a beautiful place to live, if only it existed in real life.  There are a few twists in the story and the action is fast paced and exciting.  I can't wait to see how everything plays out in the next book, I Dream of Danger.

1 comment:

  1. This has been on my "Want to Read" list for quite some time, and I'm so glad to see that you enjoyed it! I haven't read any of Lisa's other works yet either, so I'm excited to finally jump in with HEART OF DANGER once I finally pick up a copy. Thanks for the review!


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