
Sunday, January 31, 2016

Books We Didn't Finish January Edition

A Brief History of Seven Killings:  I usually really like any book that's on the Man Book Award list of nominees.  This one was the 2015 Winner so I figured it was going to be really good.  It was so complicated and hard to understand.  It had too many points of view and they just weren't coming together in a way I could understand.  That, and the Jamaican accent of the audiobook readers were so heavy at times I couldn't figure out a word they were saying.

The Appearance of Annie van Sinderen:  I might have to chalk this one up to the audiobook narrator.  I've heard his voice in quite a lot of Middle Grade and YA audiobooks that I equate it to more juvenile books.  It wasn't working for me in this more serious type book.  The story just wasn't holding my interest like Katherine Howe books normally do. (Kari didn't like this one either!)

Sea of Tranquility: I was hoping for a good YA romance.  Instead, I got an angsty mess.  I didn't like any of the characters.  The whole things was just too depressing that I gave up.

Shriver: This was a random audio library pick.  It has great reviews and was touted to be a humorous satire. I found nothing humorous about it.  I made it to the third disc and realized I was bored. I'm not sure I laughed once.  Maybe I just don't get satire.

Whistling Past the Graveyard: I found the main character of the book annoying.  After the first couple of chapters, I was bored.

Undertow: DNF at 30%. Not only did it take 5 chapters before I had an inkling what was going on, but then I still wasn't sure after 2 more chapters. Crappy world building! I knew it was going to go downhill fast when the Lyric said she was kind of dating a guy because he was hot. Did she mention he was hot? Yes, several times. Ugh.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you had to DNF these, am glad to say that none of these I want to read, but I hate DNF;s it's a huge waste of time. SO far, this year I haven't DNF'd, hopefully won't for a long time!!


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