
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Throwback Thursday:The Family Way by Jayne Ann Krentz

Author: Jayne Ann Krentz
First published in 1987 by Harlequin

Expecting a baby was supposed to be the most incredible thing in her life, but for Pru Kenyon, it was bittersweet. Her relationship with live-in love Case McCord was both exciting and deeply satisfying. But Pru knew Case wasn't willing to take it to the next level of commitment.Pru wasn't about to force Case's hand by revealing her secret. She didn't want him to propose to her out of duty -- she wanted him to want her for herself. So she did the only thing she could.... She walked away from the love of her life.

She knew she could have this baby on her own, that she could love her child enough for two. But she hadn't bargained on what Case was willing to do for love.

I should have known I wouldn't like this book from the synopsis.  But I am willing to give any book a shot.  In the end, I couldn't finish the book.   Pru and Case are living together when she finds herself pregnant.  Instead of telling him, she decides to leave because she knows he has no interest in marriage.  He goes after her, but he doesn't let on that he found out about the baby.  She takes him back and marries him.  Once he revealed that he knew about the baby all along, she is not convinced he married her for her and not the baby.

I had to stop after that point.  I tried to keep reminding myself that this book was written in 1987, but I felt like it was so preachy and just plain dumb.  Neither one of them seemed thrilled to be married. Not once did they ever talk about love.  If I had to read one more time about the evils of living together and sex before marriage, I was going to throw my MP3 player across the room.  This book also confirmed that I hate the word "manhood".  I say skip this one.  She has written much better!

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