
Monday, January 16, 2017

Ruining Mr. Perfect by Marie Harte

Author: Marie Harte
Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca
Date of publication: October 2014

It's Not Easy Being Right...

Vanessa Campbell is a CPA by day and a perfectionist by night. She's fit, successful...and decidedly lonely. She can't stop thinking about the youngest McCauley brother, Cameron. He's just like her: smart, attractive, and usually right—except when dealing with her.

...But Someone's Got To Do It.

Cameron McCauley likes Vanessa a little too well. She's a blond goddess with a razor-sharp tongue. She hates to be wrong, just like him. But she can hold a grudge and is stubborn to a fault—also like him.

A past misunderstanding has them rubbing each other the wrong way. Cam is dying to shake Vanessa up—get her to let loose. But if he succeeds, can his heart handle it?

I read the first two books in this series a while back and, for some reason, I never continued.  I'm sorry that I waited so long to pick up the third McCauley brother book, Ruining Mr. Perfect.  This was Cameron and Vanessa's book.  Both of them are pretty straight laced and different from their families and friends.  The fact that they are so similar should make for a logical relationship. But emotions have a way of rearing their ugly heads to make things more complicated,

I thought this was a really cute romance.  Vanessa and Cameron were really suited for each other.  Loved how Cam saw right through all of her BS and broke down her walls.  This book is big on  the theme of communication.  Because of that, there was a lot less angst in the story.  That was refreshing.  There is a big surprise toward the end of the book that throws the couple for a loop, but I loved it.  

There is a secondary story line that continues from the previous book.  Beth and James McCauley are separating after 30 something years. It is hard on everyone involved.  Watching them make their way back to each other was entertaining.  I think I was rooting for them more than Cam and Vanessa.  This as a great addition to the series.  I highly recommend it.

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