
Thursday, January 4, 2018

Throwback Thursday: Remember the Time by Annette Reynolds

Author: Annette Reynolds
First published in 1997 by Loveswept
Re-issued by Loveswept in 2011

Since the tragic death of her famous baseball player husband, Paul Armstrong, Kate has lived a life of seclusion. Riddled with guilt, unhappiness, and secrets about her not-so-perfect marriage, Kate has turned away from everyone who cares—except Mike Fitzgerald, her neighbor and childhood best friend, a man determined to bring Kate back to the living.

Mike was Paul’s best friend, too, so he kept his love for Kate a secret. He never stopped wanting her, never stopped yearning to kiss away the sadness from an unfaithful husband and too many shattered illusions. Now Mike, a successful architect, is determined to tear down Kate’s walls. He persuades her to renovate her home, providing a foothold for his deepest desire—giving her the life she deserves. Kate married the wrong man, but now the right one is going to show her what’s always been in his heart—a love that belongs to her forever.

You know how you are watching a soap opera and  just when you think everything is finally OK with a couple or a character, they throw in a one more scandal or issue just to stir things up?  That is exactly what Remember the Time  is like.  I felt like I was reading a soap opera.  It was kind of exhausting.  I mean how many things can life throw at one person?  I actually rolled my eyes at about the 60% mark.  

The story involves Kate who was married to Paul, a famous baseball player.  They were childhood sweethearts.  His best friend Mike has been in love with her since they were all kids.  Paul is killed in a freak accident and Mike now sees his opening.  As the story progresses, we get flashbacks to see what Kate and Paul's marriage was really like.  In a few words, Paul was a cheating, possessive jerk and I'm surprised anyone liked him.  As I said, the story is exhausting.  I never really felt like I got to know Mike and Kate as a couple.  There was just too much drama between the two of them. Don't even get me started on the whole scenario with Kate the nephew.  That was kind of off putting. 

 The  book was written in the late 90s, but it had a very 70s feel to it.  If you like day time soaps, then this one might hit the spot.  Otherwise, I would say you could skip it.

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