
Thursday, July 26, 2018

Blog Tour: The Immortal Gene by Jonas Saul

Author: Jonas Saul
Publisher: Vesuvian Books
Date of publication: July 2018


Jake Wood has it made. He is a tough homicide detective with a partner who’s like a brother, and he’s about to marry the girl of his dreams.

Then Jake learns a close friend is missing and travels to South America in search of him. After a freak accident in the Amazon Rainforest, Jake wakes up in the hospital—eighteen months later. Long presumed dead, he discovers his fiancĂ©e is married and pregnant, his house was sold, his job is gone, and his partner transferred to another city to become lead detective on a serial killer case.

Jake buys a cabin in the woods and tries to leave the world behind, until his home is broken into and he discovers he was targeted—but why? When Jake’s former partner requests his aid in catching the Blood Eagle Killer, he offers to help find whoever is behind Jake’s recent trouble.

This leads to Fortech Industries, a pharmaceutical company secretly researching a way to create an immortal gene. Now they intend to destroy their only error—Jake Wood—who has become  something more than human.

I really wanted to love The Immortal Gene.  The premise of the book is really cool.  Unfortunately for me, the execution wasn't what I was hoping for.  My biggest issue with the book was I wasn't sure what it was trying to be.  Was it a serial killer murder mystery or a sci fi book?  The two story-lines didn't gel well.  Because of this, the sci-fi part of the book was not fully fleshed out.  I was left with so many questions and was kind of confused about what happened to Jake. Why was his friend Luke in South America? How did the "immortal" gene play into it?  Why was everyone so calm when they found out about Jake's transformation? Because that would freak me out! It felt like I was missing some big chunks of information.  The book does end in a cliff hanger, so maybe in the next book more things will be cleared up.  

I liked Jake's character and he is someone I would be interested in reading about in the future. I hope he can figure out more about his condition and how to deal with it. I haven't read anything else by this author.  I'll probably pick up the next book just to see what happens to Jake.

Purchase Link

About the author:

Jonas Saul has sold over 2 million books. On multiple occasions, he has outranked Stephen King and Dean Koontz on the Amazon Most Popular Top 100 Authors list.
He has traveled extensively throughout the world to scout settings for his thrillers, spending several years between Greece, Italy, Denmark, and Hungary.
Jonas is regularly invited to speak at national writing conferences, teaches writing classes, and offers editorial services.

Find out more about Jonas at his website, and connect with him on Facebook,  Twitter, and Instagram.

Instagram Features
Sunday, July 15th: Instagram: @theliterarybirds
Monday, July 16th: Instagram: @bookenetics
Tuesday, July 17th: Instagram: @notthepathtonarnia
Wednesday, July 18th: Instagram: @pagesandpassages
Thursday, July 19th: Instagram: @novelreality
Friday, July 20th: Instagram: @reading.wanderwoman
Friday, July 20th: Instagram: @jennblogsbooks

Review Stops

Tuesday, July 17th: Instagram: @prose_and_palate
Wednesday, July 18th: Wining Wife
Thursday, July 19th: Jathan & Heather
Friday, July 20th: Literary Quicksand
Monday, July 23rd: Instagram: @bookenetics
Tuesday, July 24th: Ms. Nose in a Book
Wednesday, July 25th: Instagram: @jenabrownwrites
Thursday, July 26th: From the TBR Pile
Friday, July 27th: Stacy’s Books
Monday, July 30th: Wall-to-Wall Books
Tuesday, July 31st: Write – Read – Life
Wednesday, August 1st: Live, Read, and Prosper
Thursday, August 2nd: Thoughts On This ‘n That
Friday, August 3rd: Iwriteinbooks’s blog
Monday, August 6th: Instagram: @simplykelina
Wednesday, August 8th: The Desert Bibliophile
Friday, August 10th: Instagram: @jessareadsbooks

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