
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Cooper's Charm by Lori Foster

Author: Lori Foster
Publisher: Harlequin
Date of publication: July 31, 2018

Before the burglary that shattered her confidence, Phoenix Rose had a fiancĂ©, a successful store and a busy, happy existence. After months spent adrift, she takes a job at the lakeside resort of Cooper’s Charm. Surrounded by beautiful scenery, friendly colleagues and a charismatic, widowed boss, Phoenix is slowly inching her way back into the world.

Visiting Cooper’s Charm to check up on her little sister, Ridley Rose impulsively agrees to fill in as housekeeper. Still reeling from an ego-bruising divorce, she finds satisfaction in a job well done—and in the attention of the resort’s handsome scuba instructor.

For Phoenix and Ridley, Cooper’s Charm is supposed to be merely temporary. But this detour may lead to the place they most need to be, where the future is as satisfying as it is surprising…

Cooper's Charm is the first in a new contemporary romance series about a lakeside camping resort where anyone lucky enough can find a second chance.  In this first one, Phoenix and her sister Ridley aren't looking for love, but they are looking for a place to start over and heal from their wounds.  Cooper's Charm just might be the place to make it happen.

I loved this story.  The characters were fun and likable.  Cooper and Phoenix's relationship was so much fun to watch develop.  It was a slow and super sweet.  They were well matched and just what the other needed to move on. I loved Phoenix.  She was a character I was rooting for to find her way back to her old self. They were my favorite of the two couples.  I did like Ridley and Baxter together.  However, I felt like they were a bit hot and cold for most of the story, so their love declarations were a bit unexpected for me.  

Aside from the romances, Phoenix and Ridley's sisterly bond was a joy to experience.  They had a fierce loyalty to one another.  They also had really fun banter that made me laugh.  The other characters in the story gave the resort a feeling of home.  It sounds like a place I would want to visit.  The story also includes a little mystery to satisfy those suspense lovers out there.  I highly recommend this one!  It comes out next week.  It will make a great book to read over the summer.  I can't wait to see whose story is next.  Maris maybe?

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