
Thursday, October 11, 2018

Blog Tour: Review of When You Became Mine by A.S. Teague

Author:A.S. Teague
Publisher: Self
Date of publication: October 2018

I was twelve years old when I fell in love with Piper Kelley. Even at the age of eight, she was everything I wasn’t: brave, bold, and beautiful. The night of my college graduation party, I finally made my move, but Piper only had eyes for one man—my younger brother. With a battered heart, I left for Vegas, determined to put her behind me. But eight years later, fate proved once again that it had never cared about my plans. Now, I’m back home, and determined not to fall into the same trap I spent the majority of my adolescence trying to escape. But when Piper finds herself at the risk of losing her medical license, I realize just how far I’m willing to go to protect her. I was twelve when Piper Kelley became mine. It’s time I let her know.

When You Became Mine is a friends to lovers story.  It features Lawson who has been in love with Piper since they were kids.  The problem is that Piper has never noticed Lawson in that way.  She was in love with his younger brother.  Now year later, his younger brother is married and Lawson is determined to make Piper his.

I enjoyed the book for the most part.  I wanted to love it, however, I had a really hard time warming up to Piper.  She kind of came across as spoiled and selfish.  She was also kind of a doormat when it came to Hampton. He treated her horribly.  I would never want a best friend like him.  Gradually, I warmed up to Piper and was happy that she finally saw Lawson as more than her "big brother".  I was also hoping she would get help to finally deal with her brother's death.  There is a little mystery which wasn't too hard to figure out.  But I loved the ending.  It was just too adorable.

This is a new to me author.  I will be checking out her other books.  I'm not sure if this is going to be a stand alone.  I'd love to see Georgia and Hampton get their own stories.  Especially Hampton.  Poor guy.

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About the author:

A.S. Teague enjoys the warmth of South Carolina with her husband and two daughters. The stereotypes about peach cobbler and sweet tea are not overstated. After years in the medical field, she is now enjoying every minute of being a stay-at-home mom. She loves wine, the beach, wine on the beach, and crying at Disney movies. When she doesn’t have a book in her hand, she can be found pestering her husband with pictures of animals she wants to rescue, as well as debating whether to exercise or take a nap.

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