
Friday, March 29, 2019

Spotlight: General Meade: A Novel of the Civil War by Robert Kofman

Author: Robert Kofman
Publisher:  Lion Valley Publishing
Date of publication: March 2019

As the civil war raged on, President Lincoln desperately sought a commander to defeat the seemingly invincible Confederate general, Robert E. Lee, whose army had invaded Pennsylvania. Lincoln turned to the Old Snapping Turtle, General George Meade—a courageous man with remarkable integrity and a fiery temper—to save the Union during its greatest time of need.
Just three short days after taking command, General Meade confronts Lee’s army at Gettysburg, resulting in the bloodiest and most dramatic battle of the war. Delivering a glorious victory, at first heralded as a hero who turned the tide of the war, General Meade falls victim to a nefarious smear campaign that threatens to ruin his reputation and his career. The general is forced to muster all of his strength to persevere against an onslaught of political and newspaper attacks, all while leading the Army of the Potomac and serving his superiors: General Ulysses S. Grant and President Lincoln.

In General Meade, readers will be struck with how contemporary the themes are, a country so divided by a contentious social issue – slavery – that it fights a civil war. There are polarized political parties, partisan newspaper attacks, false news stories, war heroes and villains, a controversial President leading the country through a crisis, leaked Congressional testimony and an unscrupulous Congressional Committee out to destroy the careers of generals who don’t share its political ideology.

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About the author:

Robert Kofman is a retired labor and employment law attorney who grew up in State College, Pennsylvania. After obtaining degrees in history and political science from Penn State University, he graduated from Duke University Law School.
During forty years of practicing law, Robert first worked for the National Labor Relations Board in Washington D.C. and Philadelphia, and then entered private practice in Miami, Florida. Prior to his retirement, Robert was rated among the best lawyers in his legal specialty—labor and employment law—by a number of legal publications including The Best Lawyers in America and Chambers USA.
A dedicated runner of thirty-eight years, Robert ran six marathons before injury forced him to the sidelines. Happily married, Robert and his wife Rosa live together in Miami, Florida, where they enjoy spending time with their four daughters and four grandchildren.
Fascinated with the Civil War ever since his parents took him to the Gettysburg Battlefield at the age of nine, Robert’s first novel, General Meade: A Novel of the Civil War, focuses on the subject.

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