
Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Books I Did Not Finish - August Edition

They Wish They Were Us:  While I read a fairly enjoyable teen mystery earlier in August, this one ended up being not so enjoyable.  I found all of the character extremely unlikable.  I had a hard time suspending disbelief that the students got away with everything they did in this private school or not.  I had a feeling I knew what the solution was, so I peeked at the end and I was right. So predictable. I don't recommend this one.

Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead: I literally had no idea what as going on in this book.  I think started the audio book over about 4 times before I gave up.  Maybe there was something lost in translation?  I think it's just a case of not for me.

Hollywood Pharaohs:  It really saddened me to DNF this book.  I loved this author's Jessica Blackwood series.  This one is from his backlist and it was really just not for me.  I ended up not wanting to read about Hollywood elite, even in a mystery.  I got about 5 chapters in and I was bored. 

Paranormalcy:  I was hoping this one would be a fun paranormal teen urban fantasy type book.  I know it's an older book, but I wanted to give it a try.  I had to give up on this one.  I think I lost a few brain cells while listening to the audiobook.  The main character came across as a bratty airhead.  No thanks, maybe when I was younger. I am definitely not in the demographic for this one.

1 comment:

  1. I don’t think I have any of these on my WTR list, but thanks for sharing your thoughts on them.


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