
Monday, June 28, 2021

Blog Tour: Review & Excerpt of Don't Start Now by Tara September


:  Tara September
Narrator:  Hollie Jackson
Length: 4 hours 27 minutes
Publisher: Plus it Up
Genre:  Contemporary Romance 
Release date:  May 19, 2021

Synopsis: What can go wrong being stuck on a cruise ship with your ex and entering into a fake relationship with a sexy coworker? It might not be the Titanic, thank goodness, but Eve Richard’s heart is sinking by the minute and love is definitely going down.

Pulitzer-prize-winning war journalist turned small-town newspaperman, Adam Seager, has given up a lot for his work, country, and family, but not this time. He knows what he wants, and it’s his coworker, Eve. Her smile is the brightest part of his day and a daily reminder that more adventures are yet to come. When they are both assigned a travel feature on board a new cruise ship, it’s the perfect opportunity to let his feelings set sail.

Eve will never date another coworker or writer again. Been there, done that. Time to pursue her own writing dreams, even if it means bunking with the infuriating and complicated Adam Seager. So what if the butterflies he sets off in her belly can rival the waves outside their cabin. She intends to keep things strictly professional … that is, as much as they can be while also pretending to be a couple. Their relationship might be fake, but the pull to get to know more of him is real. Her reporter’s gut says there is more to uncover than meets the eye. But what will happen when they are back on dry land? 

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My thoughts:

Don't Start Now as a really quick and cute romance.  It involves co-workers Adam and Eve.  They are tasked with going on a cruise and writing about their experience for their newspaper's travel section.  They enter into a fake relationship with Eve's backstabbing ex shows up.  

As I said, this was a cute fake dating romance.  I really enjoyed Adam.  I loved how he was all in and did what he could to make Eve trust him.  Having been seriously wronged by her ex, she has some serious trust issues. But I thought they were good together.  I listen to audiobooks at 2x speed, so I was able to listen to it in about 2 hours.  The narrator did a wonderful job.  If highly recommend this one.  

About the Author: Tara September

Tara September is an award-winning... and losing contemporary romance writer living in Southwest Florida.
Tara is proud to be the world's most okayest mom to clones (identical twin boys). When not writing out her daydreams, she blogs over at When Tara Met Blog @tarametblog, a lifestyle and parenting blog of 14 years.
Holding a master's degree in journalism from NYU, she previously was the Corporate Communications Manager at WWE and PR Manager for The Walt Disney Company, Consumer Products.

About the Narrator: Hollie Jackson

Harnessing a childhood steeped in storytelling and a deep love of the written word, with over 600 titles (and growing) under her belt, Hollie always strives to bring a wide range of characters to vibrant, compelling life, allowing for total immersion in the story. She is currently on the rosters of multiple major publishers like Podium, Tantor and ACX.


  1. So glad you enjoyed it and Adam & Eve! Thank you for the review

  2. This is definitely a fun, summery office romance. Glad you enjoyed it :)

    Happy reading!
    -Megan @ Bookstacks & Golden Moms


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