
Saturday, October 2, 2021

September Mini Musings

You're So Dead:  
I thought this was a fun YA mystery.  It's reminiscent of And Then There were None by Agatha Christie.  A number of teen "Influencers" are stuck on an island.  Every thing is great until they begin to die.  It wasn't the best one I've read, but I had a lot of fun with the over the top characters. It did keep me guessing to the end.  I'd recommend giving it a shot.

The Duke I Once Knew:  This one was just an OK read for me.  I didn't love the couple together.  The hero was kind of a jerk. I was cheering on Abigail to take charge of her life.  Her family was kind of horrible and took advantage of her.  I didn't really like any of the secondary characters.  I think there is better and more enjoyable historical fiction out there.

Once Upon a Billionaire:
I did enjoy this romance.  I thought there was great chemistry between Vivian and Nate.  Vivian has spent most of her life taking care of everyone especially her brother.  She has had a hard time letting some take care of her and letting go.  She did get a little frustrating toward the end.  She was taking a bit too long to realize she needed Nate.   The HEA was satisfying and I do want to seek out the others in the series.

Friend Like These: After having DNF'd two of this author's books, I figured 3rd time was a charm...maybe?  I managed to make it through this book to the end.  While I didn't figure out the solution, it felt like a slog to get to the end.  The pacing on the book was off for me.  The constant switch from the past to the present disrupted the flow for me.  I also didn't love the multiple points of view.  I had a hard time keeping the characters straight.  I think I'm done with this author.

Kiss Me at Midnight:
  This was a quick holiday novella.  IT was OK for me.  I didn't feel the chemistry between the main characters, except in the bedroom. Those scenes were pretty hot.  For me, I needed more than a weekend to be convinced this couple would make it.  Ethan's hang up about the town was kind of annoying.  You are a grown man, it's time to move on.  

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