
Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Review: A Change in Tide by Freya Barker

Author: Freya Barker
Date of publication: April 2017

What impact would it have when everything suddenly faded to black?

For Mia, a crowded subway ride changes her entire life. Retreating to the wilderness helps her cope with a world that is suddenly too loud, too turbulent.
Her existence safely contained to the small cottage on the lake, she is unprepared for the neighbor that moves across the bay

A career-ending injury has Jared permanently benched. His reputation as The Enforcer won’t survive the unanticipated responsibilities awaiting him.
Away from the public eye, he adjust to his new reality, under the quiet observation of the intriguing hermit on the other side of the water.

A Change in Tide is the first book in the Northern Lights series. The book involves Mia, who suffers from PTSD and has chosen to live a life of solitude.  When a new man, Jared, moves in across the lake, her life is turned upside down.  Jared is retiring from hockey due to an injury and has set up a quiet sanctuary for him and his pregnant sister.   I really wanted to love this one.  However, it ended up being just OK.

One of the things that kind of turned me off of the book was the opening scene.  Mia's first glimpse of Jared is seeing him across the lake having sex on his dock with a random woman.  Not my preferred way to experience an opening scene of a romance.  The rest of the story was fine.  There was OK chemistry between Mia and Jared.   It was really kind of boring.  Honestly, I was more invested in Jared's sister's side romance.  I wanted to read more about that one.  It's not a bad book, it's just didn't live up to my expectations. Give it a try, maybe you will like it more than me. 

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