
Sunday, March 19, 2023

Review: A Sliver of Darkness by C.J. Tudor

Author: C.J. Tudor
Publisher: Ballantine Books (Random House)
Publication Date: November 2022

The debut short story collection from the acclaimed author of The Chalk Man, featuring ten bone-chilling and mind-bending tales

Timeslips. Doomsday scenarios. Killer butterflies. C. J. Tudor's novels are widely acclaimed for their dark, twisty suspense plots, but with A Sliver of Darkness, she pulls us even further into her dizzying imagination.

In Final Course, the world has descended into darkness, but a group of old friends make time for one last dinner party. In Runaway Blues, thwarted love, revenge, and something very nasty stowed in a hat box converge. In Gloria, a strange girl at a service station endears herself to a cold-hearted killer, but can a leopard really change its spots? And in I'm Not Ted, a case of mistaken identity has unforeseen, fatal consequences.

Riveting and explosively original, A Sliver of Darkness is C. J. Tudor at her most wicked and uninhibited.

A Sliver of Darkness is a horror anthology with eleven short stories.  I can genuinely say that I enjoyed all of the stories in this collection.  It's not often that I can say that as I am usually only half impressed.  This collection is what I expect when I want to read a horror anthology.  As I was reading, I felt nostalgia for early Stephen King horror anthologies like Skeleton Crew and Night Shift.  It was that good.

To start each story, the author gives us a peek into what motivated her to write the story.  All of the stories were creepy, twisted and disturbing.  It is hard to pick a favorite.  If I was hard pressed, I would have to say "Dust", "The Block" and "Final Course" are the ones that stuck with me the most.  I definitely think there is something in here for any horror fan.  I highly recommend it!

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