
Friday, March 24, 2023

Review: The Writing Retreat by Julia Bartz

Author: Julia Bartz
Publisher: Atria
Publication date: February 2023

A book deal to die for.
Five attendees are selected for a month-long writing retreat at the remote estate of Roza Vallo, the controversial high priestess of feminist horror. Alex, a struggling writer, is thrilled.

Upon arrival, they discover they must complete an entire novel from scratch, and the best one will receive a seven-figure publishing deal. Alex’s long-extinguished dream now seems within reach.

But then the women begin to die.

Trapped, terrified yet still desperately writing, it is clear there is more than a publishing deal at stake at Blackbriar Estate. Alex must confront her own demons – and finish her novel – to save herself.

This unhinged, propulsive, claustrophobic closed-door thriller will pull you in and spit you out…

The Writing Retreat is a isolation, closed door story about five women who are invited to a month long writing retreat with their favorite female horror author.  The writers each have their own reason for being there and they all hold secrets.  I ended up really enjoying this one.  

This is definitely not what I was expecting, but in a good way. About halfway through the story, it took a very dark turn with a twist that I didn't see coming.  It's kind of hard to describe without giving anything away.  The story is told through Alex's perspective.  I really liked her character and where she ended up at the end of the book.  This is a book where you are better off not knowing much about it before going in, so give it a try.  I highly recommend it.  This is the author's debut novel and I can't wait to see what she comes up with next.

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