
Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Blog Tour: Review of The Fake Out by Sharon M. Peterson

Author: Sharon M. Peterson
Publisher: Bookouture
publication Date:  July 5, 2023
The Fake Out: An utterly hilarious and totally heart-warming romantic comedy
I can’t lock up the library until the guy asleep at his desk leaves. Thank the universe for audiobooks because I could be here all night. But I see his mouth twitch at the exact moment a steamy kiss takes place. My face burns when I realize my headphones aren’t plugged in and my phone is at full volume.

It's not every day you see a new face in my small hometown of Two Harts, let alone one belonging to an annoyingly handsome all-star NFL player. But for some reason Chris Sterns has decided that the library where I work is his go-to spot to hide from his mega-fans, and unfortunately, winding me up is his new favorite sport.

Being crowned “world’s sexiest man” has done little to curb his confident charm and when he somehow ropes me into his two-person book club, I can’t help warming to his endless positivity.
But when a photo of him stumbling out of a Las Vegas club with a woman in tow is leaked to the press, I can’t help but question whether his good boy persona is just an act.

And that’s far from the only answer I’m left searching for when Chris pops the question I’ve only ever heard in my favorite romance books. Did he really just ask me to marry him?

It’s not the proposal I was expecting, but with my mom’s medical bills piling up faster than I can pay them, and with the scandal threatening to ruin everything Chris has worked for; could an engagement be the perfect fake out for us both? Or is this a game we’ll both lose?
My thoughts:

The Fake Out is a cute fake engagement, Grumpy /Sunshine romance.  It involves Maebell and Chris.  Chris is a NFL star who is in town for a much needed break.  He needs to clean up his reputation in the news.  Mae needs money to pay off her mother's medical bills.  It's a fake match made in heaven.

I did enjoy this one.  I loved Chris.  He came across as genuine and you could really see how he much liked Mae.  Mae however, was a little harder to like in the beginning.  She is the grumpy one in this scenario.  At times, I wanted to yell at her for her pity partiness.  She could be kind of a jerk. Thankfully Mae grew on me. I enjoyed watching these two fall for each other. I thought the grand declaration at the end was perfect for the tone of the book. 

 It's a light and funny read.  I loved the banter between Mae and her friend Ali.  The town is full of quirky and fun characters.  One of the things that also made the book were the cheesy pick-up lines at the beginning of each chapter.  They were hilariously bad.  It's a cute story.  Mae grows on you.  Give it a try.

About the author:
Sharon M. Peterson is a former middle school teacher and has the personality to prove it. One of her favorite quotes is from Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath: “It was her habit to build up laughter out of inadequate materials.” She strives to tackle life that way and create characters who do the same. She lives in Washington with her husband and four children, including two autistic sons. She has one cat, two dogs, one tattoo, and an intense fear of poodles (don’t ask). She can usually be found hunched over her computer, creating characters and stories she hopes you’ll love as much as she does.
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