
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Throwback Thursday: River's End by Nora Roberts

Author: Nora Roberts
First published in 1999 by Putnam
Audiobook by  Brilliance Audio in 2006

Olivia's parents had been one of Hollywood's glittering golden couples...until the night the monster came. The monster who destroyed their beautiful home and took her mother away from her forever. The monster with the face of her father...

This is the Nora that I know and love.  She has a wonderful way of telling a story.  I loved this book.  It was fun to see Olivia and Noah fall in love.  Having Noah be the first to admit it only sweetened the story.  The book follows both of them at different points in their lives and how the tragedy of Olivia's mother's murder affected them. 

I did have a suspicion as to who killed Julia from the beginning.  I was happy to see that I was right in the end.  So, the ending wasn't a surprise for me.  Some people may think it came out of nowhere, but I really didn't.  After reading this, I have an urge to visit the wilderness of Washington state.  Her descriptions of the scenery sound absolutely beautiful.

If you missed this one, why not pick up the audiobook?  The narrator, did a wonderful job!

1 comment:

  1. I remember reading this one! It is a fast story with great characters. Awesome review!



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