
Monday, August 3, 2015

Blog Tour: Killing Secrets by Dianne Emley

Author: Dianne Emley 
Publisher: Alibi
Date of publication: July 2015

When she gets the call, Nan Vining responds as a mother first and a detective second. Her daughter, Emily, has made a gruesome discovery in a secluded section of a Pasadena park: a pretty, popular young teacher from Emily’s high school and a bright yet troubled transfer student—both dead and bloody in a copse of trees. But the crime scene isn’t the only thing that seems off to Detective Vining. There’s also the cocky classmate who was with Emily in the park—the boyfriend she never knew about. What else doesn’t she know about her daughter? 

As she attempts to channel both her maternal and investigative instincts into one single point of focus, Vining’s superiors at the Pasadena Police Department are moving at lightning speed. Before the evidence has even been processed, the case is closed as a clear-cut murder/suicide: a disturbed teenager murders his teacher, then takes his own life. Vining doesn’t buy it. Now she’s chasing dangerous, powerful people with secrets they would kill for—and taking them down means risking her own flesh and blood.

Killing Secrets is the 5th book in the Nan Vining series.  It's the first one that I have read and I thought it did a pretty good job of standing on its own.  After reading this one, I do want to go back and check out the early books to read about Nan's earlier adventures.  In this one, Nan is called to the scene of a crime that her daughter was unfortunate enough to stumble upon.  When the case is quickly closed with little investigation, Nan knows something is not right.

I enjoyed this one.  I was intrigued and wanted to find out what really happened to Erica and Jared.  There were a few twists and I was totally surprised in the end at what really happened.  I also liked that it made sense and wasn't pulled out of thin air. Nan's characters was a fun one to read.  She is raising her daughter on her own.  Trying to be a homicide detective and raise a 16 YO daughter has to be tough.  She was a strong and interesting character.  As I said, she was interesting enough that I want to go back and read her earlier adventures.

About Dianne Emley 

Dianne Emley is the bestselling author of The Night Visitor and the Nan Vining series: The First Cut, Cut to the Quick, The Deepest Cut, and Love Kills. A Los Angeles native, she lives in the Central California wine country with her husband, Charlie.

Connect with Dianne

Purchase Links

Dianne Emley’s TLC Book Tours TOUR STOPS:

Monday, July 20th: I Wish I Lived in a Library
Wednesday, July 22nd: Buried Under Books
Thursday, July 23rd: A Book Geek
Thursday, July 23rd: Open Book Society
Monday, July 27th: Book Babe
Tuesday, July 28th: Kay’s Reading Life
Wednesday, July 29th: FictionZeal
Monday, August 3rd: From the TBR Pile
Tuesday, August 4th: Bewitched Bookworms
Thursday, August 6th: The Novel Life
Monday, August 10th: Peeking Between the Pages
Wednesday, August 12th: Patricia’s Wisdom
Thursday, August 13th: Bibliotica


  1. Thanks for your thoughtful review of Killing Secrets. So happy that you enjoyed it and are intrigued to check out the first four Nan Vining mysteries!

  2. I'm glad you're interested enough in the characters to want to go back and read the previous books!

    Thanks for being a part of the tour.


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