
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Blog Tour: The Visitant by Megan Chance

Author: Megan Chance
Publisher: Lake Union Publishing
Date of publication: September 2015

The shadows of Venice have long inspired writers—from Henry James and Thomas Mann to Daphne DuMaurier and Ian McEwan. Now, its Megan Chance’s turn, as the acclaimed novelist takes readers through the alleys and canals of this ageless and mysterious city in her compelling new book,The Visitant: A Venetian Ghost Story (Lake Union Publishing; September 22, 2015). Part haunted tale, part love story, part mystery, this riveting historical novel explores the truth behind a terrifying reality, as a young American woman, immersed in a strange foreign culture, encounters a world beyond her wildest imaginings. Buried secrets of a tragic past converge, threatening to destroy not just her hopes of redemption, but her very life.

Set in 1884, The Visitant paints an unforgettable portrait of a decaying city and the secrets that lurk in its dark, crumbling corners. Elena Spira has arrived there to take up the duties of nurse to a young epileptic man who has descended to the depths both physically and psychologically. Samuel Farber wants none of Elena’s help as he wallows in a laudanum-triggered haze of hallucinations. Samuel speaks of visits from a spirit, seemingly wild claims that Elena first rejects as drug-fueled. But, the truth is far more sinister. When Samuel’s best friend and host, Nero Basilio, arrives, Elena finds herself drawn to this charming man as he shows her the hidden delights of Venice. But there are dark forces at play—forces that Elena cannot begin to comprehend. Casa Basilio possesses a tragic history, and a ghost whose presence may be driving Samuel to madness.

I was really in the mood for a good ghost story.  The Visitant looked like it might fit the bill for me. What could be better than a story set in Venice in the late 1800s, a spooky broken down mansion, unfriendly servants and a possible ghost? Unfortunately, I didn't find the book intriguing at all..  I got about halfway through and gave up.  I didn't find anything really spooky.  All I got were unlikable and frustrating characters with a the potential for a love triangle.  You all know how I feel about those.

I just found this book very frustrating.  As I said, I didn't really like any of the characters. Both men were kind of slimy and kept hitting on Elena. I couldn't understand why she didn't find it offensive.  Maybe at first she did. but she kept allowing it to happen. The maid kept disobeying Elena's instructions regarding Samuel and it got old after a while.  The aunt was just strange and inhospitable.  

As far as the ghost story goes, I had begun to guess the truth around the time I decided to quit.  I did skip ahead to see if I was right and I found I was correct as to what happened.  I know I am probably in the minority regarding this book.  It just wasn't the spooky ghost story I was expecting.

About Megan Chance

Megan Chance is a critically acclaimed, award-winning author of historical fiction, including Inamorata, Bone River, and City of Ash. Her novels have been chosen for the Borders Original Voices and Book Sense programs. A former television news photographer and graduate of Western Washington University, Chance lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and two daughters.

Connect with Megan

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Megan Chance’s TLC Book Tours TOUR STOPS:
Monday, September 21st: Bookish Whimsy
Tuesday, September 22nd: FictionZeal
Tuesday, September 22nd: Bibliophilia, Please
Thursday, September 24th: Kissin’ Blue Karen
Friday, September 25th: Walking with Nora
Monday, September 28th: No More Grumpy Bookseller
Tuesday, September 29th: Savvy Verse and Wit
Wednesday, September 30th: Vox Libris
Monday, October 5th: Kahakai Kitchen
Tuesday, October 6th: A Chick Who Reads
Wednesday, October 7th: Mom in Love with Fiction
Thursday, October 8th: Bibliotica
Friday, October 9th: Peeking Between the Pages
Monday, October 12th: It’s a Mad Mad World
Tuesday, October 13th: From the TBR Pile
Wednesday, October 14th: Books a la Mode – author guest post
Thursday, October 15th: Mom’s Small Victories

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