
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Blog Tour: Renegade's Pride by B.J. Daniels

Author: B.J. Daniels
Publisher: HQN Books 
Date of publication: February 28, 2017

The renegade cowboy returns 
It’s been nine years since Trask Beaumont left Gilt Edge, Montana, with an unsolved crime in his wake, and Lillian Cahill has convinced herself she’s finally over him. But when the rugged cowboy with the easy smile suddenly shows up at her bar, there’s a pang in her heart arguing the attraction never faded. And that’s dangerous, because Trask has returned on a mission to clear his name and win Lillie back.

Tired of running, Trask knows he must uncover the truth of the past before he can hope for a future with the woman he’s never forgotten. But if Lillie’s older brother, the sheriff, learns that Trask is back in town, he’ll arrest him for murder. Now Trask is looking for a showdown, and he won’t leave town again without one—or without Lillie.

Renegade's Pride is the first in a new series about the Cahill siblings.  In this first one, the love of Lillie's life left 9 years before accused of murder.  Now he is back to clear his name and win Lillie back.  I admit to having a little bit of a hard time getting into this book, but in the end I enjoyed the mystery of who really killed Gordon, Trask's boss.

I thought the mystery was interesting.  I didn't see the solution coming.  I just wish there had been more of a prologue or background on the murder in the beginning of the book.  In fact, the opening scene had nothing to do with the rest of the story. So, there were times when I felt like I was missing some back story even though this is a first book.  As for the romance, it was a little underwhelming for me.  Again, I felt like I needed more back story.  Maybe some flashback scenes so I could see how much they had been in love 9 years before, instead of being told about it.

This is very much the beginning of a series.  We are introduced to a lot of characters and there are some story lines that seem will be resolved in later books.  Had the book focused more on Trask and Lillie's relationship, I would have enjoyed the romance more.  I do want to read Darby's story.  It should be interesting seeing him fall in love finally.

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About B. J. Daniels

NYT and USA Today Bestselling author B.J. Daniels was born in Texas but moved with her family to Montana at the age of five. Her first home was a cabin in the Gallatin Canyon and later a lake house on Hebgen Lake outside of West Yellowstone.

Most of her books are set in Montana, a place she loves. She lives now in a unique part of the state with her husband and three Springer Spaniels.

When she isn’t writing, she loves to play tennis, boat, camp, quilt and snowboard. There is nothing she enjoys more than curling up with a good book.

Connect with B. J. Daniels

B. J. Daniels’ TLC Book Tours TOUR STOPS:

Monday, March 6th: A Bookaholic Swede – excerpt
Wednesday, March 8th: Urban Girl Reader – excerpt
Friday, March 10th: Books and Spoons – excerpt
Monday, March 13th: Run Wright
Tuesday, March 14th: Book Reviews and More by Kathy – excerpt
Wednesday, March 15th: From the TBR Pile
Thursday, March 16th: Bewitched Bookworms – excerpt
Friday, March 17th: Stranded in Chaos
Monday, March 20th: Broken Teepee
Monday, March 20th:Stuck In Books – excerpt
Wednesday, March 22nd: Back Porchervations
Thursday, March 23rd: Books a la Mode – excerpt
Friday, March 24th: Moonlight Rendezvous
Monday, March 27th: A Chick Who Reads
Tuesday, March 28th: The Romance Dish – excerpt
Wednesday, March 29th: The Sassy Bookster
Wednesday, March 29th: Becca the Bibliophile
Friday, March 31st: A. Holland Reads – excerpt

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like this series is getting off to a great start! Thanks for being a part of the tour.


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