
Thursday, August 31, 2017

Blog Tour: I’ll Have What She’s Having by Erin Carlson

Author: Erin Carlson
Publisher: Hachette Books
Date of publication: August 2017

A backstage look at the making of Nora Ephron’s revered trilogy–When Harry Met Sally, You’ve Got Mail, and Sleepless in Seattle–which brought romantic comedies back to the fore, and an intimate portrait of the beloved writer/director who inspired a generation of Hollywood women, from Mindy Kaling to Lena Dunham.

In I’ll Have What She’s Having entertainment journalist Erin Carlson tells the story of the real Nora Ephron and how she reinvented the romcom through her trio of instant classics. With a cast of famous faces including Reiner, Hanks, Ryan, and Crystal, Carlson takes readers on a rollicking, revelatory trip to Ephron’s New York City, where reality took a backseat to romance and Ephron–who always knew what she wanted and how she wanted it–ruled the set with an attention to detail that made her actors feel safe but sometimes exasperated crew members.

Along the way, Carlson examines how Ephron explored in the cinema answers to the questions that plagued her own romantic life and how she regained faith in love after one broken engagement and two failed marriages. Carlson also explores countless other questions Ephron’s fans have wondered about: What sparked Reiner to snap out of his bachelor blues during the making of When Harry Met Sally? Why was Ryan, a gifted comedian trapped in the body of a fairytale princess, not the first choice for the role? After she and Hanks each separately balked at playing Mail’s Kathleen Kelly and Sleepless‘ Sam Baldwin, what changed their minds? And perhaps most importantly: What was Dave Chappelle doing … in a turtleneck? An intimate portrait of a one of America’s most iconic filmmakers and a look behind the scenes of her crowning achievements, I’ll Have What She’s Having is a vivid account of the days and nights when Ephron, along with assorted cynical collaborators, learned to show her heart on the screen.

“[Erin Carlson] offers a breezy, detailed rehearsal of three successful romantic comedies from the 1980s and ’90s…. A large bag of buttery popcorn that goes down oh so pleasantly.”Kirkus Reviews

I am a huge fan of When Harry met Sally and Sleepless in Seattle.  Both are fun and really romantic movies.  So, I was really interested in reading this book.  I'll Have What She's Having is a look at the iconic writer behind the screenplays of both movies, Nora Ephron.  She was a great writer during her life and produced a trilogy of classic movies that will stand the test of time.  Unfortunately ,this is one fan who didn't completely love the book.

The book is filled with interesting information about the movies and has behind the scenes anecdotes. So, I did like that.  I guess I was hoping for something a little more entertaining.  To me, the book was a bit long-winded and dry.  It took me forever to get through just the first chapter. In that one, there is a huge information dump about Nora, her early life, and what led to her writing the movies. We are also given what felt like random information about all of the actors and actresses who were in the movies. It made the book seemed unfocused and not as entertaining as I would like.  So, I did find myself skimming at times.

I think fans of non-fiction and Nora Ephron will enjoy this book.  I wouldn't say it's one to read in one sitting.  Maybe one section at a time?

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About Erin Carlson

Erin Carlson has covered the entertainment industry for The Hollywood Reporter and AP. Her work has appeared in Glamour, Fortune, and the LA Times. She compiled and wrote an oral history of You’ve Got Mail for Vanity Fair. She holds a masters in magazine journalism from Northwestern, and has been profiled in the New York Times.
Follow Erin on Twitter.

Erin Carlson’s TLC Book Tours TOUR STOPS
Monday, August 21st: Ms. Nose in a Book
Thursday, August 24th: Kritter’s Ramblings
Friday, August 25th: Reading is My SuperPower
Monday, August 28th: Patricia’s Wisdom
Tuesday, August 29th: Books a la Mode– author guest post
Tuesday, August 29th: Kahakai Kitchen
Wednesday, August 30th: A Chick Who Reads
Thursday, August 31st: From the TBR Pile
Friday, September 1st: A Splendid Messy Life
Friday, September 1st: 5 Minutes for Books
Tuesday, September 5th: Becky on Books
Wednesday, September 6th: I Brought A Book
Thursday, September 7th: Reviews from the Heart
Friday, September 8th: Books on the Table
Monday, September 11th: Joyfully Retired
Tuesday, September 12th: Jathan & Heather

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