Author: Paige Agnew
Publisher: Trafford Publishing
Life is funny sometimes. Little kids drop ice cream cones, people in general often run in to screen doors, there's even the occasional moment when one might trip going up the stairs. Kahlen could expect those things, deal with them even. But what she didn't expect, not even in her wildest, horrific nightmares, that just as something so terrible could happen, something so wonderful could follow after it.
When Kahlen Thomas has a difficult time dealing with the lost of her best and only friend, she has hopes that the new boy at school, Kennley Morgan, will be the perfect distraction from her pain. She slowly realizes that Kennley doesn't as much distract her from her problems as much as he adds to them because of his own interesting past.
Starless Sky is the debut novel written by Paige Agnew. I was impressed to find out that she wrote this book when she was 15 years old. I did enjoy the book. It was beautifully written and I was drawn into the characters right from the beginning. Kahlen is a shy, not overly confident teen who is dealing with a very tragic personal loss. Through this tragedy, she is able to open up and really start enjoying and living life. The author was able to really capture the drama and angst teenagers go through while navigating friendships and first love. The peripheral characters were well written and likeable.
My only issue with the book is that the author could have used a better editor. There were many typos and editing mistakes in the book. It did get a bit annoying after a while. I would recommend this to any YA reader. I think Ms. Agnew will be a rising star in the literary world. I look forward to seeing what she comes up with next.
* note: I read an copy of Starless Sky supplied courtesy of the author. I was not compensated in anyway for this review. By receiving a complimentary copy, I am in no way obligated to write a good or bad review. I am an honest reviewer and my reviews are based on my own opinion and only written by me.*