In my first series Time Well Spent – The Complete Collection, I took inspiration from many different places. Each story had an origin of course, why they were in the setting that I put them in, the people in the stories as well as the types of stories that they became. My inspiration comes from a collection of things really such as “Forever Love,” it was my first story that I had written for anyone and it was written for me first and foremost.
I was dreaming of what I wanted more than anything, the type of relationship that I wanted. The perfect man, who loved me unconditionally, and it was set in the perfect scene for me, at the ocean. One thing readers notice about my stories is a lot of them are set near or in water. Water for me is calming and so very peaceful. I can go and sit at the river for instance and be riddled with one problem or another and within just a few short minutes the water feels as though it is taking each and every problem away, where they don’t matter anymore.
I was in a bad place in my life when I wrote this story that put me on the road of where I am today. One of my favorite lines in the story is “They walk to the shore, hand in hand stopping frequently to touch and kiss. It is as if they would die if they don’t touch frequently their love is so great.” Touch is very important especially in an erotic story as you can guess. This particular description meant a whole lot to me at the time especially. It seemed like the most wonderful thing in the world to me. Something dreams were made of, you know, those dreams that people dare to dream but dare not to wish can come true.
Readers notice this story is somewhat different from my other stories in the sense that it is more romantic, tamer in some ways then the other stories in the collection. I struggled with rather to include it in this book because it is more of a quick dream type of story to be honest. It isn’t as “Hot” as some have said about it but I decided it had its place in the book too so I put it as the last story in the collection. It may have been my first story to launch me into writing erotica, but it put me on the path that I am on today. It is still a dream that has a place in my heart.
Happy Reading!
Bella Marie
And now my review:

This little collection is chock full of romance and steamy fantasies. There is something for everyone in this anthology. While one story might not be to your taste, there is surely another one in here that will be. The stories, with the exception of maybe one, in Time Well Spent are written without names. The thought is that the reader will inject themselves into the story. I'm not so sure this totally worked for me. I like to have names to go along with my stories. But I did enjoy it overall. "The New Beach House" was my favorite of them all.
While I did enjoy the collection, I wouldn't suggest reading it in one sitting like I did. I found that the stories got a little repetitive after a while. I think I would have enjoyed them more had I spread them out over a few days. The tales are well written and tastefully done. I definitely recommend giving this one a try!
Thanks to Bella Marie for visiting our blog!
*Disclosure of Material Connection: I am a member of The Virtual Book Tour Cafe' and a copy of this book was provided to me by the author. Although payment may have been received by The Virtual Book Tour Cafe', no payment was received by me in exchange for this review nor was there an obligation to write a positive one. All opinions expressed here are entirely of my own and may not necessarily agree with those of the author, the book's publisher and publicist or the readers of this review. This disclosure is in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255, Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.*