
Monday, April 30, 2018

April Mini Musings

Turned On: Take Me Private:  I'm glad this was a novella because I found this story strange and distasteful  I really didn't find it romantic or sexy. I had a hard time buying into any guy being OK with the fact that his lover is a "cam" girl and does "private shows" online for a fee.  I didn't like it at all.

All-American Murder:   Living in Massachusetts, I saw this story all over the news when it first broke and throughout the past couple of years for the trial and his suicide. I didn't really delve much into the back story other than what I saw on the news.  I thought this was a good comprehensive look into how a guy who seemed to have it all ended up falling so far.  It's a sad story.

Final Goodbyes: I'll admit to taking a while to finish this book.  I kept putting it down to read somethig else.  But it's really short, so it seemed a shame not to finish it to see how it ended.  I was expecting a ghost story based on the synopsis.  It's not even a thrilling thriller.  The ending was a bit predictible.  It wasn't a badly written story, it just wasn't waht I washoping for.

A Midsummer Night's Scream: This was really bad.  I have been wondering if R.L. Stine is really writing these books any more.  The more recent offerings do not live up to the books from the 80s and 90s.  The story was a mess and all over the place.  The characters were boring and I almost was rooting for them all to die.  Skip this one and read his older stuff.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Books We Didn't Finish - April Edition

Savor You: I couldn't get into this story. I'm not sure if it's because it's the fourth book in a series I haven't read any other books from.  I felt like I was missing something not having read the other couple's stories.  I also didn't like the main characters.  20 years of lack of communication was implausible.  The issue could have been cleared up if they had just talked to each other.

The Breakdown:  I DNF's Behind Closed Doors, so I should have known I wouldn't like this one. I stopped this one about halfway through the book The main character was really annoying.  I was pretty sure about a third of the way through that I had the book figured out.  I did skim to the end and confirmed it.  This was predictable and not worth finishing.  I think I'll give up on this author.

The Wife:  I was really sad to DNF this book.  I love this author, but this book just fell flat for me.  I was so bored by the whole plot line.  I just wasn't engaged and really didn't care about any of the characters.

Off the Ice: I'm a fan of this author, but just didn't like the story. I think I was uncomfortable with the difference between the two main characters.  One is done with her first year at college and the other is in high school waiting to be recruited by ta major hockey league.  The abusive father line also didn't sit right iwth me.  Overall, way too much angst and I DNFd at 50%.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Release Blitz:: Excerpt of Only the Beginning by Daphne Dubois

Author: Daphne Dubois
Publication date: April 25th 2018
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

After a heartbreaking betrayal, Melissa Legacy shuns romance. So when her best friend joins the Lovers Oasis website and fears her fiancé will find out, Melissa agrees to meet the anonymous Romeo, prepared to explain her friend’s change of heart—then she sees him.

Failing restaurant entrepreneur, Craig Wheaton hasn’t been home since his mother’s tragic death. Now he’s back to confront his demons and stand beside his brother as best man. Dreading the reunion, he agrees to meet his avatar lover, but at the last moment he reconsiders the arrangement—until he lays eyes on her.

When Craig assumes Melissa is his online consort, she impulsively plays along, resulting in an afternoon of unexpected intimacy. But with Melissa using her friend’s identity and Craig dealing with a family fallout, is a future together impossible, or will they discover that love at first sight is Only the Beginning?

Enjoy this excerpt:

He took a step up, coming to her level. His eyes searched hers, then made their way to her mouth.

She leaned forward, practically falling into his arms, and kissed him.

Without hesitating, Craig kissed her back, his hands smoothing around her waist, pulling her closer. It was a delirious and delicious kiss that seemed to last forever.

Tingles started in Melissa’s chest and moved all the way to the soles of her flip flops.

“Get a room!” A chorus of laughter and whistles followed. Melissa stepped back, pressing her lips together as the group of party goers made their way up the street.

“So,” Craig started. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning?” His hands were still on her waist and she could feel the warmth of his touch.

There were a thousand reasons to say no; she should tell him the truth and end the charade, she should devote all her time to working on the perfume ad, she should leave this encounter on a high note so she would be a girl he thought about with longing instead of feeling betrayed.

But all that reasoning vanished when Melissa looked into his eyes. She realized she was willing to risk whatever fallout would result from seeing him again.

“Yes,” she said. And as she watched him walk away, she imagined the wings of her butterfly tattoo beginning to beat. But he’s only here for two more nights, she told herself. Hardly enough time to make a drastic difference in her life.

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About the author:

Daphne Dubois writes contemporary romance and believes the right book at the right time can make all the difference. When she's not putting her characters in compromising positions (ahem), she works as a registered nurse. A member of the Writer's Federation of Nova Scotia, she lives in Eastern Canada, the most romantic place in the world.

You can also find her writing for teens as B.R. Myers.

Author Links:

Friday, April 27, 2018

Blog Tour: Review & Excerpt of Lone Star Blues by Delores Fossen

Author: Delores Fossen
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: April 17th, 2018
Publisher: HQN
Series: Wrangler’s Creek
Format: Print
Print ISBN: 9781335631992
Digital ISBN: B075JH8W58
Wrangler’s Creek’s most eligible bad boy has just become its most eligible single dad.

Dylan Granger could always count on his rebellious-cowboy charm to get his way—until the day his wife, Jordan, left him and joined the military. The realization that during a wild night he got her cousin pregnant is shocking enough. But the news that Jordan has come home to Texas to help raise the baby is the last thing he expects.

Raising a baby with Dylan in Wrangler’s Creek is a life Jordan might’ve had years ago, but she doesn’t want regrets. She wants what’s best for the child—and to find out if there’s something deeper between her and her ex than blazing-hot chemistry. Getting closer means letting down her guard to Dylan again, but will he be able to accept the emotional scars on her heart?

Lone Star Blues is the fifth book in the Wrangler Creek series.   Dylan Granger wakes up one morning to find a naked woman in his room and a social worker on his doorstep with a toddler she claims is his son.  On top of that, his ex-wife is back and wants to fight for custody of the boy. Before now, I would have said each of these could be read as stand-alones. However, having missed reading the fourth book, I kept feeling like I was missing something. For starters, what was the Bingo game?  I don't remember that from the first three books. But, I could just not be remembering correctly.

I have to admit that I really didn't care for this story at all.  Out of the four in the series that I have read, this is my least favotire.  There are a few reasons.  First, everyone seemed to be overly angry in the story.  That is the vibe that I kept getting as I read it.  No one seems to like each other. Second, I couldn't understand why no one had confidence in Dylan that he could raise Corbin.  So he had been with a lot of women.  Who cares?  It's not like he strung them all along or forced them.  He has money and a successful ranch.  It didn't make sense to me.  Frankly, I felt bad for Corbin the most and he was only 2.5 years old.  Jordan's PTSD was not really addressed very well and that bothered me.  The ending was abrupt and highly unsatisfying.  

There were a few humorous moments, but not enough to really save the book. I do recommend the series as a whole, but this one isn't high on my list.

Add to your TBR list:  Goodreads

Available at:  Amazon  |  Barnes and Noble  |  Kobo  |  iTunes


Copyright© 2018 Lone Star Blues
Delores Fossen

Downing some more coffee, Dylan headed off the porch and toward the large detached garage for another vehicle. However, before he could even make it there, he saw something sparkly on the stone path. A silver purse that was smaller and flatter than the palm of his hand. It had some chew marks on it and was wet, possibly from dog slobber.
Since this likely belonged to the naked woman, he opened it to see if he could find her ID. And there it was—her driver’s license along with a credit card and some lipstick. There was also one of those stupid Dylan Granger Sex Bingo cards folded up inside.
Thankfully, it was blank.
He pulled out the license and looked at her birth date first. She was twenty-six. Way too young for him but at least she was legal. Then he read the name, and his stomach went to his ankles. Because it was Misty Tur­ley, the same last name as the judge who was pissed at him. And with the way his morning was going, Dylan seriously doubted that was a coincidence. No, this was likely another of his daughters. One younger than Melanie.
Maybe he could send Walter Ray a whole case of scotch.
Dylan didn’t know exactly how many daughters the judge actually had. Walter Ray had gotten divorced years ago, and when his ex-wife had moved away, the girls only visited Wrangler’s Creek every now and then. Or at least that had been the case until Melanie had moved back after she’d finished college.
He picked up the purse so he could take it back inside and add it to the pile of clothes. Since the identity of the naked woman was bad news number five, that had to mean he was good to go at least for the rest of the day.
Or not.
Dylan heard the sound of an engine right before he saw the cop car pull up in front of the house. It wasn’t the local cops, either. The cruiser had San Antonio Police on the door.
A tall, lanky man in uniform stepped out. “I’m looking for Dylan Granger,” he said, and he flashed his badge.
Hell. What now? Had Walter Ray sent someone to look for his daughter?
“I’m Dylan Granger.” He tucked the purse in his back pocket and walked toward the cop. “Is there a problem?”
The cop didn’t answer. He just motioned to someone inside the cruiser, and a moment later, a gray-haired woman stepped out. She wasn’t alone. She was gripping the hand of a little boy who couldn’t have been more than two or three years old.
Dylan silently repeated that—hell, what now?
“You need to sign for him,” the woman said. She had some papers in her left hand, and she started to­ward Dylan, pulling the little boy with her.
Dylan shook his head. “Why do I need to sign? And who is he?”
The woman smiled as if there was something to smile about. “Well, Mr. Granger, according to this paper, this precious little boy is your son.”

About Delores Fossen:

USA Today bestselling author, Delores Fossen, is an Air Force veteran who has sold over 100 novels. She's received the Booksellers' Best Award for romantic suspense, the Romantic Times Reviewers' Choice Award and was a finalist for the prestigious Rita ®. Her books have been featured in Woman's Day and Woman’s World. In addition, she's had nearly a hundred short stories and articles published in national magazines.

Connect with Delores:  Website  |  Twitter  |  Facebook  |  Goodreads  |  Amazon  |  BookBub

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Blog Tour: Review & Excerpt of Living with Her One-Night Stand by Noelle Adams

Author: Noelle Adams
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: April 24, 2018
Publisher: Noelle Adams
Series: The Loft
Format: Digital eBook / Print
Digital ISBN: B079QBFN82
Print ISBN: 9781386003724

Jill has never been good at taking risks, but she spends one hot night with a sexy stranger, knowing she'll never see him again. Then Lucas shows up the next morning as her new roommate. He was supposed to be a one-night stand, but now he'll be living in the empty room in her shared apartment for the next six months.

Jill needs stability and a long-term relationship, and she knows Lucas can never give her those things. He's looking for a life free of commitments or obligations. She knows he's wrong for her. She shouldn't want him for more than one night.

But she lives with him. He's around all the time--with his sexy smile and his hard body and the soft heart he pretends not to have. Not wanting him isn't really an option.

Living With Her One-Night Stand is the first in a new series.  Apparently it is a spin-off of the Tea for Two series, but I didn't feel like I had to have read that one to enjoy this book.  It holds up well as a stand alone.  Jill decides on a whim to have a one night stand with a guy who seems to be in town for a visit.  To her surprise, he ends up being her new roommate, Lucas.  Now they have to love with each other and stay away from each other..

For the most part, I liked the story.  I have to admit to being a little underwhelmed by the attraction between Lucas and Jill at first.  I just didn't feel it.  However, I did like that they ended up becoming friends without the sex getting in the way.  It made the relationship more believable later on.  I loved that Jill knew what she wanted and stuck to her guns when it came to Lucas.  In fact, I was cheering Jill on when she told Lucas to finally let her go if he couldn't give her what she wanted.  Lucas had a of baggage and stuff to work through before he was ready to be her forever.

His "bam" was not what I was expecting, but explained a lot.

I don't know whose story will be next.  I'd be interested to see if Michelle and Steve's relationship can be salvaged, but I don't hold out too much hope.  This is a quick read and one worth giving a shot.

Add to your TBR list:  Goodreads

Available at:  Amazon  |  Barnes and Noble  |  Kobo  |  iTunes

Enjoy this excerpt:

Copyright © 2018 Living With Her One-Night Stand

Noelle Adams

On Monday morning, Jill overslept.

She set her alarm for seven, but it was seven thirty-five when she finally woke up. As soon as she registered the time, she flew out of bed and ran to the bathroom.
She hated being late. As much as it annoyed her when other people were late, she hated it even more when it was her.
She took a three-minute shower, grabbed an outfit that wouldn’t take any effort to pull together—a knee-length A-line dress in a vintage print—and snatched a handful of jewelry that might possibly work with it. She’d barely gotten her shoes on before she was rushing into the kitchen to get some coffee.
Michelle was at the counter with her laptop as she always was, eating cereal and working. But what surprised Jill was finding that Lucas was up too.
He didn’t have to work. He didn’t have a schedule. He could still be in bed.
But there he was, sitting at the counter with a cup of coffee, putzing on his phone. Wearing nothing but a pair of old sweatpants. His hair was mussed, he needed to shave, and he wasn’t wearing a shirt.
So the first thing Jill saw as she came into the kitchen was a whole lot of gorgeous male back and shoulders and arms.
She didn’t need to see that this morning.
She dumped her pile of jewelry on the counter as she poured herself a cup of coffee.
“Morning,” Lucas said, sounding friendly and casual.
What was he even doing up this early?
And why did he have to sound so awake? Awake and masculine. Awake and masculine and sexy.
First thing on a Monday morning.
She did her best to suppress a snarl.
“You’re running late,” Michelle said, without looking up from her laptop. “Did you oversleep?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Jill was trying to drink her coffee and put on her earnings, bracelets, necklace, and rings at the same time.
Lucas was watching her with laid-back interest in his green eyes.
She tried not to snarl at him again.
His eyebrows went up slightly, and she realized she must not have done a good job at the suppression.
She turned her back to him, reaching into the cupboard for a breakfast bar. She preferred to eat cereal, but she didn’t have time this morning. She kept her back to Lucas as she gulped down more of her coffee.
“You missed a button.”
She stiffened, glancing over her shoulder to verify that Lucas had been talking to her. “What?”
“You missed a button.” He gestured toward her dress. “You want me to get it?”
“I can get it,” she gritted out, contorting her arms until she could feel which button on the back of her dress was undone. Discovering it, she stretched her shoulders painfully so she could button it.
When she glanced back over at Lucas, she saw that his mouth was tilted up slightly.
He was laughing at her. Silently but definitely laughing.
She didn’t try to hide her snarl this time.
He didn’t have to be up and dressed and at work by eight in the morning. He didn’t have to sit there in her kitchen, looking smug and gorgeous and amused and irresistibly rumpled when she could barely pull it together.
What kind of malicious turn of fate had made him her roommate at all?
When she’d managed her button, she poured more coffee into her cup and took it with her, grabbing her bag on her way out as she left.
She did remember to mumble out a “See you later,” before she closed the door.
It was just the first Monday morning of Lucas living in her apartment.
It was going to be a long six months.

About the author:

Noelle hand wrote her first romance novel in a spiral-bound notebook when she was twelve, and she hasn’t stopped writing since. She has lived in eight different states and currently resides in Virginia, where she reads any book she can get her hands on and offers tribute to a very spoiled cocker spaniel.

She loves travel, art, history, and ice cream. After spending far too many years of her life in graduate school, she has decided to reorient her priorities and focus on writing contemporary romances.


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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Final Six by Alexandra Monir

Author: Alexandra Monir
Publisher: HarperTeen
Date of publication: April 2018

When Leo, an Italian championship swimmer, and Naomi, a science genius from California, are two of the twenty-four teens drafted into the International Space Training Camp, their lives are forever altered. After erratic climate change has made Earth a dangerous place to live, the fate of the population rests on the shoulders of the final six who will be scouting a new planet. Intense training, global scrutiny, and cutthroat opponents are only a few of the hurdles the contestants must endure in this competition.

For Leo, the prospect of traveling to Europa—Jupiter’s moon—to help resettle humankind is just the sense of purpose he’s been yearning for since losing his entire family in the flooding of Rome. Naomi, after learning of a similar space mission that mysteriously failed, suspects the ISTC isn’t being up front with them about what’s at risk.

As the race to the final six advances, the tests get more challenging—even deadly. With pressure mounting, Naomi finds an unexpected friend in Leo, and the two grow closer with each mind-boggling experience they encounter. But it’s only when the finalists become fewer and their destinies grow nearer that the two can fathom the full weight of everything at stake: the world, the stars, and their lives.

I generally enjoy reading science fiction, especially YA dystopian Sci-fi.  The Final Six seemed like it would be a really fun book to read.  The synopsis sounded really intriguing.  Unfortunately, the actual book didn't live up to the synopsis.  Essentially, climate change has messed up the weather across the world causing major storms and ruining many cities and killing millions of humans.  Their only hope is a group of six of the smartest teens in the world.  They will be traveling to Europa, Jupiter's moon, in an attempt to colonize.

One of the things I always look for in any Sci-fi is possibility.  Could it really happen and is it believable?  I know it's fiction, but I have to at least believe the events could be a possibility.  That is where the story failed for me.  The 24 candidates who were chosen to compete were given two weeks of training before the final six were chosen.  How in the world, could you expect to send six teens into space with only two weeks of training?  That wasn't remotely believable.   The world building was lacking and made no sense.  All we are told is that the evil humans caused climate change and now the weather is unpredictable.  Honestly, it was a bit preachy. The "science" made no sense and was too vague.

This book was just chalk full of YA tropes that made me roll my eyes.  The romance was insta-love and really kind of cheesy.  The characters were forgettable and extremely cliche.  The reveal of the mystery Naomi is trying to figure out was very underwhelming.  To be honest, I felt like that story line was useless as it made no difference to how the book ended.  Speaking of the ending, it was a cliffhanger.  Oh, and they spent the entire time on earth.  I don't know if there will be a sequel.  I can't imagine this is a stand alone with that ending.  But, I'm not sure I'll read the next one to see what happens next.  This could have been so much more, but in the end it missed the mark for me.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Release Tour: Review & Excerpt of Solitary Hunter by Cherime MacFarlane

Author: Cherime MacFarlane
Date of publication: 

Alicia: I can't get a handle on the man and I'm not ready to tackle his cat, the lynx has claws. His mother encouraged me to work for him. I figure she had an agenda, if its setting Ken up, she doesn't understand her son. He's a shapeshifter, but the cat is a solitary hunter. How can I get close when he runs the other way?

Ken: She's my employee. Bosses don't get cozy with the help. There are rules I'm supposed to follow. The damn lynx doesn't care. But I'm not blind, Alicia is a beautiful woman and my control is hanging by a claw.

My thoughts:

Solitary Hunter is a quick paranormal romance novella.  Ken is a shifter who turns into a lynx.  Alicia knows his secret, but is afraid to tell him.  This leaves them at an impasse.   For me, this was just an OK read.  It's really quick. I read it in under an hour.  As with a lot of novellas, it suffered from the length.  I felt like I was missing crucial back story.  You know that feeling you get when you walk into the middle of a movie and have no idea what is going on?   I just would have liked it to be longer. 

I also had a hard time liking the couple together. Had I had more time to get to know them, their relationship would have felt more comfortable. Throughout the story, I felt like Alicia played unnecessary head games with Ken and that kind of annoyed me.  Their HEA felt more pheromone driven rather than love driven.  It's not a bad story, I just wanted more from it.

Enjoy this excerpt:

Alicia smiled to herself as she cleaned the inside of the bird and worked to skin it. That was a lot easier than pulling feathers. The man must think he had her snowed good. There were big cat prints right inside the flap of the dog door in snow that melted rapidly in the warmth of the cabin. Then they vanished.

But round puddles sat on the first through third stair treads. For a long time she suspected the man shifted. She proved it to herself a while ago. This added evidence to what she had discovered. Kenneth Partland shifted all right, into a large lynx.

A smirk lit her face as she pulled the skin off the bird. She bet he felt irritated at not getting to finish his meal in solitude. The resulting thought wiped the smile off her lips. Lynx were the real loners of the northern forest. Solitary hunters except during breeding season, would it be possible to live with the man and still keep his cat happy?

About the author:

Although born in New Orleans, I am proud to call myself an Alaskan. I have lived here since 1977. I have seen -40 degrees, hauled water, made bear bacon and I live in a cabin. I have used a fishwheel to catch salmon coming up the Copper River. I was my second husband's chief mechanic's helper and roadie. I have cut firewood on shares. I worked as a cocktail waitress during pipeline days in a small lodge on the Richardson Highway.

My second husband, a Scot from Glasgow, was the love of my life. When I write Scots dialect, I personally experienced hearing it from my in laws. When my husband got on the phone to Scotland, after 5 seconds I could barely understand a word.

We moved to Wasilla to get warm. It barely drops past -25 degrees here in the winter. I became a paralegal and worked for over 26 years for the same firm.

Alaska is my home. I never thought I would love it so much, I never want to leave. The beauty of Alaska is a draw I cannot resist. I love the people and the history. I have been captured by a place I came to under duress. Life does play some interesting tricks on one. My love and I were not apart more than 24 hours for 20 plus years. I never wanted to be anywhere but with him. He was a man to run the river with and was my biggest fan.

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Monday, April 23, 2018

Blog Tour: Review & Excerpt of Hiding Lies by Julie Cross

Author: Julie Cross
Publisher Entangled Teen
Date of publication: April 2018

At Holden Prep, dirty little secrets always have a way of coming to the surface.

Eleanor Ames has never been what she seems. Average high school student on the outside, but reformed con artist trying to break free of her past on the inside. When Eleanor receives startling news about someone from her previous criminal life, plans for a new operation coinciding with her school’s upcoming field trip quickly consume her. 

But operations rarely go according to plan. And this is one her irresistible teen FBI agent boyfriend, Miles, would never approve of.

Now, more than just Ellie’s reputation is at stake. If she fails, it could be her life.

Hiding Lies is the second book featuring Eleanor Ames,  I really enjoyed Chasing Truth, so I was excited to read this one.  It did take me a few minutes to reorient myself to the events of the first book because it's been over a year since I read the first book.  This one picks up pretty much right after the events of the first book, so I would advise reading them in order.  Otherwise you will be lost as well as having the first book spoiled.

This is a solid follow up to the first book.  I felt like I got to know Ellie a bit more through flashbacks to her time with her con artist parents.  I wish we could have gotten more background on Miles, but the story is told only from Ellie's perspective.  Their relationship does grow more, however, there was a bit more angst in the trust department.  I still love them together.

The mystery was really good.  As in the first book, there are a lot of surprises. I'm not going to talk plot except to say once Ellie gets to New York, the book really gets going.  Some of the characters from the previous book show up and add a lot of flavor to the story.  I highly recommend this one as well as the first.  I would keep it to over 16 YA crowd as there is some borderline mature content in it.  I can't wait to see what happens to Ellie and Miles next!

Enjoy this excerpt:

My feet have been dangling. I start to lift them up, attempting to conceal myself. But I’m not fast enough. Warm fingers wrap around my ankle.
“Got you,” the guy says. “How long have you been up there spying on me?”
“Spying? On you?” I shake my head. “Don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m waiting for someone. He’ll be here any second.”
The hot guy takes the binoculars and looks them over, analyzing the zoom-in and recording switches hidden on the underside. “Fancy. Not exactly for recreational use.”
That’s because they’re Aidan’s. My sister’s boyfriend. Up until two weeks ago, when he was forced to resign, Aidan was a Secret Service agent. He used all kinds of spy gear in his former job—like these high-tech night-vision binoculars.
I hop down from the tree, assessing the intruder, searching for body language that says friend or enemy, even though I already know the answer. No harm in having a little extra practice. Role-play is definitely a skill of mine, but it’s also a muscle that must be worked regularly. “Just so you know, I am trained in self-defense. Wouldn’t try anything if I were you.”
“Yeah?” He lifts an eyebrow. “That’s good because this place is sketchy as hell.”
We both glance around the deserted warehouse building beside us, the vandalized lumberyard nearby, and the questionable items strewn across the walkway leading to the giant warehouse door—condom wrappers, broken beer bottles, cigarette butts.
“You’re right, it’s sketchy,” I say. “I better take off before something bad happens.”
“Wait…” Hot Guy reaches for me, his fingers curling around my waist. He tugs me until my back rests against the tree and we’re hidden from anyone on the street. “Tell me about this other guy you’re waiting on.”
I stare up at him, taking in the cocky smirk, perfectly messy dark hair, and blue eyes that hold dozens of secrets. “What other guy?”
He grins, showing off two perfect dimples to go with the rest of his perfects. “Good answer.”
Then, before I can refocus on the role I’ve been playing, he leans down and kisses me. It’s only been a week but feels like a month. Maybe longer. His cheeks are cold, but his lips are warm and tender. I bring him closer and closer until his slinged arm is lodged between us.
“Miles,” I mumble against his lips.
“Miles,” I repeat, too caught up in this kiss to celebrate the slip he just made. “That’s his name. The guy I’m waiting on.”
“Miles. Sounds like an asshole. Forget him.” He pulls away just enough to see my face. His good hand rests against my cheek. He looks like he’s about to dive into kissing me again but hesitates. “It’s really cold out here.”
“And sketchy,” I add. “Why would you pick a place like this? You can’t coast forever on the whole mysterious-hot-guy persona. So if that’s your plan, I’d rather meet at the Y or Planet Fitness like a normal person.”
He rolls his eyes. “Yes, that’s my goal in life. Devote all my time to training to be a spy so I can impress girls.”

About the author:

Julie Cross is a NYT and USA Today bestselling author of New Adult and Young Adult fiction, including the Tempest series, a young adult science fiction trilogy which includes Tempest, Vortex, Timestorm (St. Martin's Press). She's also the author of Letters to Nowhere series, Whatever Life Throws at You, Third Degree, Halfway Perfect, Chasing Truth, Off the Ice and many more to come! Julie Cross was a longtime resident of central Illinois but has recently moved her entire family across the country to continue her academic studies at Stanford University.

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