
Monday, April 22, 2024

Review: The Carrow Haunt by Darcy Coates

Author: Darcy Coates
Publisher: Black Owl Books
Publication Date:  March 2018

 Remy is a tour guide for Carrow House, a notoriously haunted building. When she's asked to host seven guests for a week-long stay to research Carrow's phenomena, she hopes to finally experience some of the sightings that made the house famous.

At first, it's everything they hoped for. Then a storm moves in, cutting off their contact with the outside world, and things quickly become twisted. Doors open on their own. Seances go disastrously wrong. Red liquid seeps from behind the wallpaper. Their spirit medium wanders through the house during the night, seemingly in a trance.

Then one of the guests dies under strange circumstances, and Remy is forced to consider the possibility that the ghost of the house's original owner, a twisted serial killer, still walks the halls.

But by then it's too late to escape.

I found The Carrow Haunt a fairly enjoyable ghost story.  Remy gives regular tour guides for Carrow House.  She is approached by a researcher to host 7 people at the house for a week.  She is excited to hopefully see some ghosts.  She gets more than she bargained for.

As I said, I did ultimately enjoy this one.  It had a creepy atmosphere.  I enjoyed all of the characters, especially Remy.  There were some tense moments.  My only issue with it was the reveal of what was really going on.  It kind of felt like it was a cop-out.  That's really all I can say about without giving it away.  Despite that, I would recommend it.  It's a fun ghost story that will keep you entertained.

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