
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Butterfly Effect

By:  Andy Andrews

Blurb:  Speaker and New York Times best-selling author Andy Andrews shares a compelling and powerful story about a decision one man made over a hundred years ago, and the ripple effect it’s had on us individually, and nationwide, today. It’s a story that will inspire courage and wisdom in the decisions we make, as well as affect the way we treat others through our lifetime. Andrews speaks over 100 times a year, and The Butterfly Effect is his #1 most requested story.

My first impression of this book was that it was a very beautiful book.  It's small, but every page is full color and has very pretty graphic design work.  I was very impressed with it from that standpoint. 

The book talks about the chaos theory and how one decision now can lead to something momentous in the future.  I don't know if I necessarily agree with the examples set forth in the book.  I don't think the God of my understanding works that way, but if that's the way Mr. Andrews sees things that's ok, at least it made me think. 

This book would be a great Christmas present (Time to start thinking about that!!) for someone who might need a little pick-me-up or the Secret Santa at church. 

1 comment:

ParaJunkee said...

Sounds really interesting, especially to people that might feel insignifant if I'm understanding what this about. It does sound like a great Christmas present.

BTW it was great meeting ya this weekend! Look forward to our next get together, have to make it a habit!