
Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Spotlight: Come What Maybe by Kerri Carpenter

Author: Kerri Carpenter
Mass Market Paperback: 352 Pages
Publisher: Entangled: Amara (January 24, 2023)

Social media strategist Lauren Wallace plans everything. But when she returns to the charming–if not too small for comfort–town of Seaside Cove, it’s only about a second before her tough-love Grams is already on her case. So when Grams tells her not to go to that bar, Lauren decides it’s time for a temporary rebellion. Which is exactly when the trouble starts.

Grams was right. The bar was not a good plan. Because suddenly super-cute bar owner Ethan McAllister has gone from being Lauren’s (kind of) high school nemesis to a very unexpected one-night stand. And worse, Lauren’s attempts to resume her ultra-responsible life keep getting thwarted by more unwelcome spontaneity. And a pregnancy.

Now there’s a baby on the way, Lauren’s the talk of the entire town, and all her planning has gone right out the window. All that’s missing is childbirth to make her pain complete. But it’ll be nothing compared to Grams’s reaction when she finds out that Lauren broke the biggest rule of all…falling for the wrong guy.

About Kerri Carpenter

Award-winning romance author Kerri Carpenter writes contemporary romances that are sweet, sexy, and sparkly. When she’s not writing, Kerri enjoys reading, cooking, watching movies, taking Zumba classes, rooting for Pittsburgh sports teams, and anything sparkly. Kerri lives in Northern Virginia with her adorable (and mischievous) rescued poodle mix, Harry.

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Monday, January 30, 2023

Cover Reveal: Vow to a King by Hayley Faiman

Book: VOW TO A KING ( (Awakened Curses Book 1)
Author: Hayley Faiman
Release Date: February 27, 2023
Soleil wakes up in what she can only describe as a dream. Beautiful gowns, castles, and then there was him—the handsome king.
The ceremony. 
Generations of brides have been delivered to the King of Katrauina on their wedding day, wearing nothing save a sheer white gown.
Presented in a glass boat, she is expected to perform the ceremony publicly or be doomed by the gods to the fated curse that will befall the world.
A witch.
A curse.
A king.
A woman.
Percival Dupont has one duty. He has known this since the moment he was born. He is indifferent to this obligation... until he claims his queen. Something is different. She is different. He must be enchanted because there is no feasible way that he has fallen for his own bride.
Purchase Links
About the Author
I was born and raised in California. My husband and I met when I was just 16. We were married a few years later, we lived in Oregon while he was in the US Coast Guard.
Texas is now where we call home, where our boots rest, and where we're raising our two little boys and a chocolate lab named Optimus Prime.
Author Links

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Blog Tour: Review & Excerpt from The Greenleaf Murders by R.J. Koreto

The Greenleaf Murders by R.J. Koreto Banner

The Greenleaf Murders

by R.J. Koreto

January 23 - February 17, 2023 Virtual Book Tour


The Greenleaf Murders by R.J. Koreto

Young architect Wren Fontaine lands her dream job: restoring Greenleaf House, New York's finest Gilded-Age mansion, to its glory days. But old homes have old secrets: Stephen Greenleaf—heir to what’s left of his family’s legacy—refuses to reveal what his plans are once the renovation is completed. And still living in a corner of the home is Stephen's 90-year-old Aunt Agnes who's lost in the past, brooding over a long-forgotten scandal while watching Wren with mistrust.

Wren's job becomes more complex when a shady developer who was trying to acquire Greenleaf House is found murdered. And after breaking into a sealed attic, Wren finds a skeleton stuffed in a trunk. She soon realizes the two deaths, a century apart, are strangely related. Meanwhile, a distraction of a different kind appears in the form of her client's niece, the beautiful and seductive Hadley Vanderwerf. As Wren gingerly approaches a romance, she finds that Hadley has her own secrets.

Then a third murder occurs, and the introverted architect is forced to think about people, and about how ill-fated love affairs and obsessions continue to haunt the Greenleafs. In the end, Wren risks her own life to uncover a pair of murderers, separated by a century but connected by motive. She reveals an odd twist in the family tree that forever changes the lives of the Greenleafs, the people who served them, the mansion they all called home—and even Wren herself.

Book Details:

Genre: Cozy Mystery
Published by: Level Best Books
Publication Date: November 2022
Number of Pages: 264
ISBN: 9781685122089
Series: Historic Homes Mysteries, #1
Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | | Goodreads | Level Best Books

My Thoughts:

The Greenleaf Murders is another slow burn cozy mystery that I have had the pleasure to read lately.  This one features Wren, a young architect.  She is a partner in her father's firm and has been given the opportunity to take the Greenleaf House and turn it back to it's former glory.  She is up for the task, but can she also help solve some murders?

I thought this was an enjoyable msytery.  It was a little slow paced and had a very old fashioned feel in the way it was written. But I was intrigued and sucked into the mystery. There were a lot of suspects, so I didn't call the reveal.  I love when that happens. This is more than a mystery though, it is about us getting to know Wren.  She is talented and loves old houses.  To her, houses are the important part, but she learns along the way that the people in the house matter a little bit more.  I liked her budding romance with Hadley.  I also like the peripheral characters in her life.  This is a character I would enjoy reading in another mystery.  I do recommend this one.

Read an excerpt:

Last night, Wren had dreamt she went to Manderley again.

When she was fifteen, her mother had given her a copy of Rebecca, saying it was one of her favorites. A voracious reader, Wren finished it in a few days, but her reaction was not what her mother had hoped for.

“Rebecca was horrible, but Maxim was no prize either. And the second Mrs. De Winter—kind of wimpy.”

“You didn’t like anyone in that book?” asked her exasperated mother.

“I liked Mrs. Danvers. I know she was insane, but she really appreciated the house. If people had been nicer to her, maybe she wouldn’t have burned it down. The best part of the book was Manderley. I’d have liked to live there, in splendid isolation, and Mrs. Danvers would take care of things. She was the only one in the book who knew how to do something.”

Her mother just stared. What teenaged girl talked about living by herself in an ivy-covered British mansion? She kissed her daughter on her forehead. “Wren, you really are an old soul.”

But although Manderley was her first love, Wren proved fickle, and also fell in love with Holyrood House, Blenheim Palace, and Versailles.

A succession of guidance counselors worried about Wren, although she gradually learned to make friends, and even go on dates. However, nothing could replace her love for houses, and it was a foregone conclusion by college that she would become an architect like her father and spend as much time as possible working with houses and not people. And not just any houses, but the kind no one had lived in for a long time.

As Wren approached 30, her father made her a junior partner and told her if he could close the deal with Stephen Greenleaf, he’d let her take full responsibility for Greenleaf House. Once the proposal they had worked on so hard had been completed, Wren couldn’t think about anything beyond spending her days in that Gilded Age gem, one of the largest private residences ever built in New York City. Over the years, like the second Mrs. De Winter, she dreamed of Manderley, never more than when she was hoping for the Greenleaf job.

She came home late one evening after visiting a job site and found her father in the study of the home they still shared. Living at home had become a temporary convenience while she was at graduate school, which turned into a habit, as they liked each other’s company. Not that either would admit it.

She watched him sketch. Although the firm had an office in midtown Manhattan, her father preferred to work in the study of their Brooklyn townhouse. For normal work, she knew it was safe to interrupt him, but not while he did the sketches—his avocation, his passion, just him and his pencils, creating columns and cornices, chair railings, and gargoyles. The only light poured from the desk lamp, illuminating the fine paper and her father’s high-domed forehead. She wanted to know if he had heard anything—but had to wait patiently.

Eventually, the scratching stopped, and he put his pencil down.

“If you haven’t eaten yet, Ada left her spaghetti and meat sauce in the refrigerator. She’s a fine housekeeper, but that particular dish is a little common.”

“Only you would describe a dish of pasta as ‘common.’”

“You know what I mean. And if you don’t understand the context, you shouldn’t be an architect.”

“Fine. But I think it’s delicious.”

“Yes,” he said, with a touch of impatience. “I didn’t say it wasn’t delicious. I said it was common.” He swiveled in his chair and smiled. “But you’re really here to ask if I’ve heard from Greenleaf? I told him today that we couldn’t put aside our other projects indefinitely. And that Bobby Fiore was the only contractor we could trust, and we couldn’t ask him to postpone other jobs, so with a few arguments about the price, he agreed.”

Wren laughed, did a little dance, and punched the air. Then she ran and hugged her father, which he tolerated. “I knew you’d convince him. You are the most wonderful father.”

“Wren. Take a seat.” He said it in his even, measured tone, the one he used for serious discussions. Wren wiped the smile from her face, pulled up a chair, and tucked a rebellious lock of hair behind her ear. In the half-dark room, he took her hands in his.

“I have no doubt that you have the technical skills for this job. My concern is the personal skills. These are the Greenleafs. They were a force in this city when it was still New Amsterdam. We see their house merely as an architectural jewel. The family sees it as a symbol of how tightly they are tied to the history of this city. They are different from other people.”

“People are people,” she said.

“First of all, no. People are different. And even if you were right, people are not your strong suit.”

“I’ve worked well with our clients,” she said defensively.

“You referred to one of our clients as ‘a pompous bourgeois vulgarian.’”

Wren rolled her eyes. “Let’s not go there again. I didn’t say it to his face, just to you.”

“Do you think you hid your feelings?”

“You’ve said worse,” she countered. Then realized she had lost the argument when his eyes went up to the framed certificate on the wall—the Pritzker Prize, often called the Nobel Prize of architecture. I’ve earned my right to arrogance. You have a long way to go.

“Just remember that these people pay our bills. I know we often work to protect them from their own worse instincts, but let’s try to be a little more politic. Your mother used to say you lived in your own special world. But you have to join the rest of humanity every now and then. And that brings me back to Greenleaf House. This is the very important symbol of what was once one of the most important families in this city. Keep that in mind when dealing with Stephen Greenleaf.”

“We’ve already had several meetings, don’t forget. He didn’t seem that unusual to me—runs his own asset management firm. I’ve dealt with Wall Street types before. It won’t be a problem.”

“Wren.” Again, heavy on her name—all her life, this had been the sign of a serious conversation. “The Greenleafs made their money before there was a Wall Street. People like this are unusually touchy about their families and histories. Now that you’re actually starting, his behavior may change. There could be some emotional repercussions. To make this a success, you will have to watch out for those feelings and manage them.”

“And you’re about to say—again—that I understand houses but not people.”

“Let’s just say it’s more of an effort for you. You can work with people. You just don’t like to. But I made you a partner. So you can’t just do the fun parts of your job. You have to do it all.”

“Yes, father,” she said. He was serious, so there could be no more pushback from her. No verbal fencing. He wanted her to live up to his expectations.

“It isn’t your father who’s asking you, Wren. It’s the senior partner of this firm, Ms. Fontaine.”

She nodded. “I understand, Ezra.”

And then he lightened his face with a smile. “But before we move on to the particulars, there is one more piece of advice, this time from your father. It may be hard to remember in any residence we work on, but especially in one with more than 70 rooms, it is not just a house. It’s someone’s home. It was Mr. Greenleaf’s childhood home, in fact, and his aunt has lived there her entire life. You’re not very sentimental Wren—and that’s fine. Neither am I. But please remember that—it’s not just a building. It’s a home.”


Excerpt from The Greenleaf Murders by R.J. Koreto. Copyright 2022 by R.J. Koreto. Reproduced with permission from R.J. Koreto. All rights reserved.



Author Bio:

R.J. Koreto

R.J. Koreto is the author of the Historic Home mystery series, set in modern New York City; the Lady Frances Ffolkes mystery series, set in Edwardian England; and the Alice Roosevelt mystery series, set in turn-of-the-century New York. His short stories have been published in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine and Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, as well as various anthologies.

In his day job, he works as a business and financial journalist. Over the years, he’s been a magazine writer and editor, website manager, PR consultant, book author, and seaman in the U.S. Merchant Marine. Like his heroine, Lady Frances Ffolkes, he’s a graduate of Vassar College.

With his wife and daughters, he divides his time between Rockland County, N.Y., and Martha’s Vineyard, Mass.

Catch Up With R.J. Koreto:
BookBub - @rkoreto1
Instagram - @rjkoreto
Twitter - @RJKoreto
Facebook - @RJKoreto



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Friday, January 27, 2023

Review: Dead Reckoning by Lea O'Harra

 Dead Reckoning by Lea O'Harra

Dead Reckoning by Lea O'Harra

Dead Reckoning by Lea O'Harra
Publisher: Sharpe Books-UK (Sept 29, 2022) 
Category: Crime Fiction, Family Life, Kidnapping 
Tour dates: January 5-31, 2023
 ISBN: Coming Soon 
ASIN: B0BGYG3HGX Available in Print and ebook, 289 pages Dead Reckoning

Indiana, January 2010. It’s a hot summer’s day in 1984 when twelve-year-old Gilly and her friend Sally find a dead new-born in a shoebox in the cemetery of their tiny town. Deciding to keep their discovery a secret, they bury the body in Gilly’s yard. The results are disastrous. Flowers are mysteriously left on strollers. Two local children disappear and end up dead. A suspect is arrested and confesses, blaming the deaths on the girls’ having taken the dead baby. Gilly grows up but is haunted by what’s happened. As a young woman, she flees the town and its memories, going all the way to Japan. Returning with her Japanese husband Toshi to attend her mother’s funeral, Gilly finds the past is not past. She’s threatened, and someone is putting flowers on strollers again. When another child is abducted, Gilly knows she must discover the truth about what happened all those years ago before more lives are lost.

My thoughts:

Dead Reckoning is a slow burn mystery.  Gilly travels to her home town after the death of her mother.  Being at home brings back memories from her childhood and not the good ones.  The person responsible for the deaths of a couple of children has been let out of prison and another child has been abducted.

I thought this was a good mystery.  It did flow a little slow for my taste, but I enjoyed it.  We get peeks into what happened in 1984 through excerpts from Gilly's old diary.  I liked those parts the best.  The solution was a surprise.  The only thing I didn't care for were the characters.  I had a hard time connecting with any of them.  I thought at first Toshi was Gilly's son from the way he acted. Aside from the msytery, I thought this was a good look at family and old friendships and how they evolve over time. Yet how we can also fall into the same patterns from childhood when we get back together with them. I would recommend this one.

Dead Reckoning by Lea O'HarraAbout Lea O'Harra

Lea O’Harra has published three crime fiction novels set in rural modern-day Japan: Imperfect Strangers (2015); Progeny (2016); and Lady First (2017). These comprise the so-called ‘Inspector Inoue Murder Mystery’ series originally published by Endeavour Press (UK). She has also had a story included in Best Asian Crime Fiction published by Kitaab Press (Singapore) in 2020. In the spring of 2022 Sharpe Books reissued the Inoue mystery series and, in September 2022, published Lea O’Harra’s fourth novel, Dead Reckoning, a stand-alone set in her tiny hometown in the American Midwest. Website: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Pinterest:

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Thursday, January 26, 2023

Review: Flight 171 by Amy Christine Parker

Author: Amy Christine Parker
Publisher: Underlined
Publication Date: October  2022

Devon Marsh is haunted by secrets. Like the identity of the person who killed her twin sister, Emily, in a hit and run accident last Halloween, which Devon has vowed to uncover. Like the things Devon said to Emily just before she died.
But she’s determined to start fresh when she boards a four-hour flight along with her classmates for their senior class ski trip. Devon never could have guessed those secrets would surface in the most terrifying way when a supernatural creature hijacks their flight and gives the students a deadly ultimatum:

Choose one among them to sacrifice before the end of the flight. Or the plane will crash.

As the clock ticks down, the creature slowly unearths the passengers’ deepest, darkest secrets—and reveals that one of the teens on the plane is responsible for Emily’s death. The students must agree on a sacrifice, or there won’t be any survivors. But can Devon find a way to stop the creature, or will she give in to her anger and let revenge take control.

Flight 171 is a YA horror that takes place on a plane. It's told from Devon's point of view.  She has lost her twin sister in a car accident and is determined to find out who ran her over.  An evil presence on the plane will force Devon and all of her classmates to reveal secrets before time runs out and the plane goes down.  Devon hopes the killer will be revealed.

I'm a bit wishy-washy on this one.  I liked the level that the horror and gore reached for a YA.  It was just just enough to make my skin crawl, but wasn't over the top.  There is a lot of body horror in this book, so keep that in mind.  I also wasn't sure who the killer was until the end. 

What I didn't love were the characters.  They were all self absorbed and narcissistic  teens. If I was Devon, I'm not sure I could stand to be around them for a few minutes, never mind a 4 hour plane ride.  Despite that, I do think this is worth giving a try.  It would translate well into a guilty pleasure horror movie.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Spotlight: Pretty Evil by Zoe Rossi

Pretty Evil
Zoe Rosi
Publication date: January 17th 2023
Genres: Adult, Thriller

You’ve done a bad thing. She has you in her sights. Now you’re going to pay.

Meet Camilla Black: an affluent, respected, influential fashion magazine editor, who lives it up in her beautiful Mayfair apartment. But Camilla’s glamorous life is a lie. Behind her poised exterior beats the cold dark heart of a vigilante killer, a murderer hell-bent on wreaking vengeance upon bad men.

Camilla expects to get away with murder. She’s careful. And anyway, it’s worth the risk. She’s making the world a better place with each predator she kills. But when one of her victims’ bodies is unexpectedly found, his gruesome death is splashed all over the papers.

To make matters worse, she’s now being pursued by Detective Wheelan, a new addition to the Met with laser-sharp focus and a worrying habit of solving impossible crimes…

She knows she should stop, but she can’t. Some men just deserve to die. Will Camilla’s insatiable appetite for justice be her downfall, or can she outsmart the police?

Revised edition: Previously published as Predator, this edition of Pretty Evil includes editorial revisions.

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Blackwell's

Author Bio:

USA Today bestselling author, parent, wife, veterinarian, chocolate lover. Author of spicy paranormal and contemporary romances. Zoe Forward brings readers the perfect combination of action adventure, romance, humor and a bit of magic.

Her novels have won numerous awards including the Prism, Readers’ Choice Heart of Excellence, Golden Quill, Carolyn Readers Choice Award, and the Booksellers’ Best Award.

You can find her residing in the South with a menagerie of four-legged beasts and two wild kids

Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Bookbub


Saturday, January 21, 2023

Spotlight: Never Cross a Highlander by Lisa Rayne

Author: Lisa Rayne
Publisher: Entangled: Amara (December 27, 2022)
Mass Market Paperback: 448 pages

Ailsa Connery has waited three long years to finally escape her enslavement at Stirling Castle and reunite with her clan. But her carefully laid plans are completely destroyed by the arrival of the infamous Highland warrior known as Dubh Mahoun, the Black Devil…who has plans of his own.
Kallum MacNeill’s fearsome reputation has long allowed him to keep hidden his secret double life of freeing enslaved captives across the land. It’s only when he kidnaps a servant lass–quite by accident–that he finds himself facing a wee predicament. He must accompany the lass home or risk her exposing his true identity. It’d be easy enough…if the feisty hellion didn’t fight him at every turn.
As they make their way to the Highlands, the perils the two must face are surpassed only by their constant sparring. Soon, their heated sniping sparks heat of a totally different kind. The kind that ignites a hunger that could consume them both. Yet the difficult journey is no match for the dangerous secrets they’re about to uncover.

About Lisa Rayne
An award-winning author, Lisa graduated from college with a bachelor’s degree in Comparative Literature and went on to obtain a law degree. She practiced intellectual property, entertainment, and media law for many years before becoming a writer. She started her career writing contemporary romance and won four Emma Awards. Her first sports romance debuted on two Amazon bestseller lists. Always looking to try something new, Lisa’s excited to put her sexy, banter-laden spin on historical romance. Lisa currently lives in the Midwest where she serves as track mom to two collegiate daughters.

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Thursday, January 19, 2023

Release Blitz: Wicked Ink by M.A. Lee

M.A. Lee’s Wicked Ink is out now! Check out the gorgeous new adult tattooed romance, and be sure to grab your copy today!
Wicked Ink
Author: M.A. Lee
Genre: NA Romance
From Amazon Bestselling Author, M.A. Lee comes another exciting new college romance novel.
Melissa is my biggest challenge yet. With her beauty, brains, and brazen sass, she is the first girl not to fall for my charm.
I want her.
I need her.
I'm getting high just from her presence. I know she will cave one day, I can see it in the way she looks at me and the way her body reacts when I touch her.
With each day that passes, I can feel her giving in. Her resistance is fleeting as she slowly falls for what we could be. What I want us to become.
They say bad boys are easy to love. And, Colton is your ultimate bad boy. It's hard to blame him; with his dark hair, tattoos, striking eyes, and swagger, girls just can't resist him.

I already had my fair share of bad boys and the last thing I wanted to do was to fall for Colton. Knowing that he owns a tattoo parlor and drives a motorcycle should have me running away at lightning speed--but it doesn't.

I fell for him hard and we both know it, but I'm the last person to admit it. Call it stubbornness, but I am not the type of girl that Colton really needs.

Now, Colton refuses to give up his chase and I don't know how much longer I can fight my feelings for him. I can tell he is different, but can I really trust him with my heart?
Order Your Copy!

About the Author:

  M.A. Lee is a contemporary romance author with a love for all things romance.
Connect with the Author:
Amazon | Facebook | Goodreads


Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Blog Tour: Excerpt from To Catch the Setting Sun by Richard Levine


Author: Richard I. Levine
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Pages: 320
Genre: Suspense/Thriller
Release Date: August 22, 2022
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Soft Cover: ISBN:‎ 978-1509243297; 329 pages; $17.99; eBook $5.99
Barnes and Noble:  
Apple iBooks: 

 There’s a killer loose on the island of Oahu. His targets? Young, native-Hawaiian women. But it also appears that he’s targeting and taunting Honolulu police detective Henry Benjamin who knew each victim and whose wife, Maya, had been the first name on that list. In addition to battling his personal demons, this New York transplant’s aggressive style didn’t sit well with his laid-back colleagues who viewed Henry’s uncharacteristic lack of progress in the investigation as evidence that fueled ongoing rumors that he could be the killer. Was he, or could it have been someone within the municipal hierarchy with a vendetta? As it was, after thirteen years on the job Henry had been disillusioned with paradise. His career choice long killed any fantasy of living in a grass hut on a wind-swept beach, being serenaded by the lazy sounds of the ocean and a slack key guitar. Instead, it had opened his eyes to a Hawaii that tourists will never see.

Book Excerpt:

The reflection from scattered tiki torches competed with the moonlight flickering across the black velvet lagoon. Gentle trade winds, carrying the sweet peach-like scent of plumeria, tickled the flames and the palm fronds. Clearly a welcomed reprieve from five straight days of stifling temperatures. A catamaran and a couple small outrigger canoes, their artfully painted fiberglass hulls made to look like the wood of ancient Koa trees, were pulled up along the sandy shoreline. The heavy beat of drums reverberated off the tall palms and set the rhythm for a half-dozen pair of grass-skirted hips dancing on the main stage while vacationers laughed, ogled, and stuffed their faces with shredded pork, scoops of macaroni salad, steaming flavored rice wrapped in Ti leaves, thick slices of pineapple, papaya, mango, and freshly roasted macadamia nuts that were all artfully displayed on wide banana leaf covered center pieces. They sat cross-legged in the sand, sipping Mai Tais from plastic cups made to look like hollowed out coconut shells, lost in a tropical fantasy that came complete with a souvenir snap shot taken with an authentic hula girl—the perfect paradise as portrayed on the website. The noise from the music, chanting, and laughter, drowned out the frantic noise of the nearby kitchen, and it drowned out the desperate pleas and painful cries of Makani Palahia from the far side of the beach at Auntie Lily’s Luau Cove and Hawaiian Barbecue.

About the Author
Richard I Levine is a native New Yorker raised in the shadows of Yankee Stadium. After dabbling in several occupations and a one-year coast to coast wanderlust trip, this one-time volunteer fireman, bartender, and store manager returned to school to become a chiropractor. A twenty-three-year cancer survivor, he’s a strong advocate for the natural healing arts. Levine has four Indy-published novels and his fifth work, To Catch The Setting Sun, is published by The Wild Rose Press and was released in August 2022. In 2006 he wrote, produced and was on-air personality of the Dr. Rich Levine show on Seattle’s KKNW 1150AM and after a twenty-five year practice in Bellevue, Washington, he closed up shop in 2017 and moved to Oahu to pursue a dream of acting and being on Hawaii 5-O. While briefly working as a ghostwriter/community liaison for a local Honolulu City Councilmember, he appeared as a background actor in over twenty-five 5-Os and Magnum P.Is. Richard can be seen in his first co-star role in the Magnum P.I. third season episode “Easy Money”. He presently resides in Hawaii.
Visit Richard’s Amazon Page or connect with him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Goodreads.

Pre-Order Blitz: Last First Kiss by Stella Holt

Last First Kiss by Stella Holt is a gorgeous debut in a sexy series about a family of first responders! Check it out and be sure to pre-order your copy today!
Title: Last First Kiss
Author: Stella Holt
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: February 9th
He’s going to fight for her this time around.

Charlotte Maguire’s family is the closest thing to police royalty in her hometown. But not even the Maguires could protect her from the heartbreak of becoming a young widow. Now twenty-eight years old, Charlotte mourns the future she lost and has thrown herself into her work. Curating promotional campaigns is the perfect distraction until her gorgeous new boss Caleb shows up, forcing her dormant heart to awaken. Caleb and Charlotte have a past, and it’s impossible to ignore the sparks that are reigniting.

Caleb Kincaid is a survivor in every sense of the word. He’s no stranger when it comes to securing second chances, so when Charlotte Maguire happens his way again, he’s all in. Charlotte has loved and lost once already, and Caleb knows he’s no sure bet. But he also knows they could be great together this time around.

Caleb has always been a man of his word, but what happens when he promises a future he might not be able to deliver?
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About the Author:

Author of your next binge-worthy romance series, Stella has been plotting sexy, tear-jerker stories since she was old enough to hold a pencil. Born a Georgia peach, Stella loves all things country but calls the beach home even though she’s currently living outside D.C. with her family. Most days she can be found drinking too much coffee, collecting lipstick she forgets to wear, and baking.
Stella’s first series featuring first responders debuts in 2023. You can find her on Instagram @stellaholtbooks and
Connect with the Author:
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Monday, January 16, 2023

Review: You Can Hide by Rebecca Zanetti

Author: Rebecca Zanetti
Publisher: Zebra
Publication date:  November 2022

What do you do when a sociopath loves you? Rising star FBI profiler Laurel Snow is about to find out …

Calling Laurel Snow’s relationship with her newly discovered half-sister challenging is an understatement. Not only does Laurel suspect Abigail is behind the mysterious disappearance of their father, but her erratic behavior also makes life in Laurel’s small hometown interesting, to say the least. Still, when Abigail claims someone is now out to kill her, Laurel’s instinct to protect her sister goes into overdrive. Then things get even more dicey as dead bodies start turning up in the icy waters of the Sauk River and there’s only one connection among them: Abigail . . .

Having Fish and Wildlife Captain Huck Rivers bringing in those bodies with his dive team only complicates matters. Huck is as impulsive and fiery as Laurel is coolly analytical, which makes their alliance risky at best. But standing up to such a demonically brilliant killer is going to take all the help Laurel can get. Because Laurel’s attempt to save her troubled sister’s life might cost her own . 

You Can Hide is the second book in the Laurel Snow series.  This one picks up fairly soon after the first book.  I wouldn't say that this one works that well as a stand alone.  It definitely ruins the first book.  This time around, there is a serial killer stalking and killing women.  He leaves them posed and missing body parts. There is also a question of how involved Laurel's half sister is in the case.

I liked this addition to the series.  The solution to the mystery was hard to figure out and I enjoyed the journey to hunt him down.  More than the mystery, what I really love about this series is Laurel herself.  It has been enjoyable watching her build friendships with her colleagues as well as figuring out where she feels most at home.  The growing relationship between Laurel and Huck has also been a pleasure to watch.  They are two people who are most unlikely to fall for each other, but somehow they work.  I can't wait to see where it goes next.  I do recommend this one and look forward to the next one.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Release Blitz: Bound to the Beard by Eve London


Are you ready to meet your next Man of the Month? Flynn Sincero is waiting to steal your heart and prove that he's so much more than just a one night stand.

Readers who love Kat Baxter, Hope Ford, and Frankie Love will devour Bound to the Beard by Eve London, a steamy, small town, waking up married, instalove romance.

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What happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay in Vegas.
When my bestie whisks me away to Vegas for a girlfriend getaway to get my mind off the business I’m trying to buy, I expect to ring in the new year, not wake up with a ring on my finger. Despite my attraction to the red-hot bearded ginger in my bed, I hop a plane home to Candy Cane Key. A one-night stand wedding can't possibly be the start to something that will last forever... can it?
The first time I see Coral, I know she’s the one. So when I get the chance to check an item off her visiting Vegas bucket list, I go all in. But what happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay in Vegas. I’ve got nothing to lose by following her home and convincing her to give us a chance for real. And maybe everything to gain.
The MAN OF THE MONTH CLUB is a steamy small-town collection featuring a new hottie (or two!) every month. In 2023, escape to Candy Kane Key, Florida, and celebrate ALL the holidays with your favorite group of romance authors and their delicious mountain men. Can’t wait to see you there!

Copyright 2023 Eve London
“Flynn, is it?” Gwen eyed the ginger like he was sex on a stick. “I’m Gwen and this is Coral. Are you guys just in town for the weekend, or what?”
“Yeah, I’m Flynn, and this is Josh. We’re actually in town for Josh’s wedding that’s supposed to be happening in a couple of hours.”
“Congratulations. Coral and I are here for a girls’ weekend.” Gwen linked her arm with mine and pulled me into her side. “Hey Coral, isn’t visiting a wedding chapel on your bucket list?”
I recognized the tone in her voice. It was the I’m-about-to-get-the-party-started attitude she shrugged on when she sensed an opportunity for fun. “Oh, we don’t have to talk about that right now.”
“What bucket list?” Flynn asked.
“It’s a fun little thing we did on the plane. Since this is Coral’s first time in Vegas, I had her come up with a list of five things she wants to do while we’re here.” Gwen looked so proud of herself. She didn’t mention she came up with the idea while I was on the verge of succumbing to a massive panic attack. Now that she said it out loud in front of two complete strangers, I felt a little childish.
“That sounds like fun. What’s on your list?” Flynn eyed me with a bit of a twinkle in his dark green eyes. There was something about him that warmed my belly from the inside out. Looking at him was like taking a sip of the proprietary peppermint hot cocoa we served during the holidays at the gift shop where I worked—sweet and comforting with a little hint of heat.
I shook my head. “It’s silly.”
“Come on. I jumped in a fountain for you. Doesn’t that earn me some amount of trust?” he teased.
My cheeks heated under his attention. I crossed my arms over my belly to ward off the butterflies threatening to invade.
“Do you want me to tell him?” Gwen asked.
Knowing her, she’d make up something naughty that would give Flynn the wrong idea. “No, I’ve got it. They’re just little things I want to do while I’m here. Ride in a gondola at the Venetian, get my picture taken by the million dollars in cash. Stuff like that.”
“Well, seeing as I owe you one, let me take you on the gondola ride. We’re staying at the Wynn, so we have to head back that direction to get to our hotel anyway.”
“Don’t you want to get out of those wet clothes first?” As soon as the words left my mouth I wanted to suck them right back in. Yeah, he was hotter than most of the lifeguards I’d seen on the beach back home in Candy Cane Key, but I didn’t want to give him the wrong impression. I was in Vegas for a weekend of forced girlfriend fun and wasn’t looking for anything else. If it had been up to me, I wouldn’t have left Florida, but Gwen turned in all of her travel miles and was the queen of guilt trips. “I mean, do you want to change first?”
Flynn nodded toward the door of the souvenir shop. “I’ll just pop in there and grab a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Want to help me pick something out?”
“Of course she does.” Gwen grabbed my hand and tugged me toward the door. “Come on, Coral. Shopping is right up your alley.”
About Eve London

When Eve London was a girl she wanted to be a trapeze artist. Instead, she grew up to be like most women–a juggler–trying to keep bunches of balls in the air. Now she spends her days writing about the kind of men she likes – sexy, shameless, and just a little bit sarcastic.
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