Enjoy this guest post from author Miggs Burroughs. He is promoting his book What if?Book of Questions.
Publisher:Easton Studio Press
Date of publication: September 2012
A thoughtful Q & A book that asks life questions about who you are and how you might navigate the challenging choices we all have to make. With charming illustrations throughout, it points a way toward wisdom like a Zen Koan, with each question wrapped in its own. The book can be flipped through at random resulting in many a smile and nod of recognition or awareness. Or read only a paired question and illustration at a time to better absorb the message that we should live each moment of our lives, one moment at a time.
Guest post:
How to avoid the rejection blues?
Well, step one is to avoid putting your heart and soul into anything you do. Stifle your passion. Whether it is through a book, or a painting or a dance, try not to share anything meaningful about yourself and your time here on earth. Dispense with your honesty, reality or imagination Don’t dig around into any raw emotions or memories. Delete any hint of committment to your medium of choice. And then, magically, with this shabby and shallow product in hand, there is very little anyone could say or do to hurt your feelings, because you will be deaf to all the naysayers. That’s not to say they won't hate what you’ve done, but how could you care? There is nothing of value to care about.
On the other hand, if for you, trying to suppress the creative process is like attempting to hold a large beach ball under water, then the rejection blues will, most likely creep into your psyche. Embrace them, because they are further confirmation of your investment in your art, and in your passion to share it with your fellow humans. Rip open your heart and smear it on the page. Hang it proudly on your front door. Wear it as a hat. And, when and if your novel, song or dance is rejected, don’t sing the blues. Sing the song of pride in having dared to be authentic. Maybe the technique or structure will need some polishing, but as long as you fight to have your voice heard, your passion will always shine.
About the author:

26, he was chosen to design a Commemorative U. S. Postage Stamp. Shortly thereafter he illustrated several covers for TIME Magazine, one of which resides in the Smithsonian Institution. Miggs has designed hundreds of award-winning logos, websites and print material for global companies as well as non-profit organizations. He has recently won acclaim for his work with lenticular imagery, which has been exhibited in several one-man shows and is held in several private collections. Miggs graduated with a degree in Fine Arts from Carnegie-Mellon University and has taught graphic design at Fairfield University and UCONN.
As part of the healing process after his divorce in 1995, Miggs compiled a list of “What if” questions, which are now creating a sensation in book form.
Visit his blog at http://www.whatifthisbookcouldchangeyourlife.com/
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