Publisher: Avon
Date of Publication: December 2013
Harrriet Hathaway has loved only one man her entire life: the Earl of Roxley. But when he ignores her at a ball, she takes rather desperate steps to catch his eye and her plans find her ruined and without any hope of gaining Roxley’s heart. So it is much to her amazement when Roxley proposes marriage to save her from ruin. But Roxley’s proposal isn’t quite on the up and up and when she finds out she’s just another piece in one of his plots and japes, she vows revenge.
My thoughts:
If Wishes were Earls is the latest in the 'Rhymes with Love series. This series keeps getting better and better. I loved Harriet and Roxley's story. I have always been a sucker for Friends to lovers tales. The two have known each other since they were small. In fact, the first time they met, "Harry" knocked a young Roxley in his behind when he said he would never marry the likes of her. They definitely are right for each other. Harriet has been in love with him forever and truly sees beyond the playboy image that he portrays in London society.
The story was a fun adventure. Someone is trying to ruin Roxley and his 3 aunts. I had an inkling of who was behind it, but there were a few suspects, I kept second guessing myself. That made it more fun when I got to the end. In order to try to save Harriet from danger, Roxley tries to deny his feelings. I was really pulling for him to give into his desire. They had great banter and that showed how deep and true their friendship ran.
The only thing that was missing from the book was my favorite dog, Mr. Muggins. He is always good for a laugh-out-loud scene. I look forward to the next in the series. I also hope that Harriet's brother, Chaunce gets a book in the future! I definitely recommend this series for anyone who loves historical romance!
Kari& Autumn: What inspired you to become a writer?
Elizabeth: I never
wanted to be anything else. I think I came out telling stories. But in my
family, that is sort of par for the course—on both sides. I come from a long
line of story tellers—holidays and family gatherings involve a lot of adults
sitting around the table seeing who can relate the best family history, or
screw-up, or anything that was just plain funny. As a kid, I would sit and
listen and just drink it all in.
Now I still listen—wherever I go and drink in people
chatting, couples at dinner in a restaurant, the dynamics of relationships. It
is all fodder for the story mill.
Kari& Autumn: Where do you come up with the
ideas for your books?
Elizabeth: Pretty
much everywhere. An item in the newspaper. A picture on Pinterest. I once got
inspired to create a character after listening to a pair of teenage girls
mercilessly gossip about their friend, Tally. Along Came a Duke was inspired by the line in the nursery rhyme—along came a spider and sat down beside her.
I changed the spider into a duke and then asked the proverbial writer question,
“and then what happened?” That is my favorite question to muddle on. What happened next?
Kari& Autumn: What exciting projects are
waiting in the wings?
Elizabeth: More than I can count. I tend to be a font of
ideas—I never run out. In fact, I have too many. But I am currently working on
the next two books in the Rhymes with Love series about the Tempest twins,
Louisa and Lavinia. These two are a hoot and their adventures in London leave
them both in hot water. I’m having fun with them. And then I have a novella to
finish that is an offshoot from my book, Mad About the Duke. Then . . .well,
we’ll see what bubbles to the forefront.
Kari& Autumn: Who is your favorite literary
character and why?
Elizabeth: Just one? First, I would say Valancy Stirling
from L.M. Montgomery’s book, The Blue Castle. I love how she looks at her
dreary life one day and decides to throw off every limitation she and her
family have placed on her and decides to live. Beautiful and romantic! Then I
would place a close second on Sophy, from Georgette Heyer’s wonderful book, The
Grand Sophy. I just love how she barges in, turns everything upside down, and
then puts it all to rights. Too. Much. Fun!
Kari& Autumn: Just for fun, if you could be
any animal, what would it be and why?
Elizabeth: Easy. My cat. She spends all her time sleeping
beside me while I work. I have to ask, who has the better job?

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