
Thursday, August 31, 2017

Blog Tour: I’ll Have What She’s Having by Erin Carlson

Author: Erin Carlson
Publisher: Hachette Books
Date of publication: August 2017

A backstage look at the making of Nora Ephron’s revered trilogy–When Harry Met Sally, You’ve Got Mail, and Sleepless in Seattle–which brought romantic comedies back to the fore, and an intimate portrait of the beloved writer/director who inspired a generation of Hollywood women, from Mindy Kaling to Lena Dunham.

In I’ll Have What She’s Having entertainment journalist Erin Carlson tells the story of the real Nora Ephron and how she reinvented the romcom through her trio of instant classics. With a cast of famous faces including Reiner, Hanks, Ryan, and Crystal, Carlson takes readers on a rollicking, revelatory trip to Ephron’s New York City, where reality took a backseat to romance and Ephron–who always knew what she wanted and how she wanted it–ruled the set with an attention to detail that made her actors feel safe but sometimes exasperated crew members.

Along the way, Carlson examines how Ephron explored in the cinema answers to the questions that plagued her own romantic life and how she regained faith in love after one broken engagement and two failed marriages. Carlson also explores countless other questions Ephron’s fans have wondered about: What sparked Reiner to snap out of his bachelor blues during the making of When Harry Met Sally? Why was Ryan, a gifted comedian trapped in the body of a fairytale princess, not the first choice for the role? After she and Hanks each separately balked at playing Mail’s Kathleen Kelly and Sleepless‘ Sam Baldwin, what changed their minds? And perhaps most importantly: What was Dave Chappelle doing … in a turtleneck? An intimate portrait of a one of America’s most iconic filmmakers and a look behind the scenes of her crowning achievements, I’ll Have What She’s Having is a vivid account of the days and nights when Ephron, along with assorted cynical collaborators, learned to show her heart on the screen.

“[Erin Carlson] offers a breezy, detailed rehearsal of three successful romantic comedies from the 1980s and ’90s…. A large bag of buttery popcorn that goes down oh so pleasantly.”Kirkus Reviews

I am a huge fan of When Harry met Sally and Sleepless in Seattle.  Both are fun and really romantic movies.  So, I was really interested in reading this book.  I'll Have What She's Having is a look at the iconic writer behind the screenplays of both movies, Nora Ephron.  She was a great writer during her life and produced a trilogy of classic movies that will stand the test of time.  Unfortunately ,this is one fan who didn't completely love the book.

The book is filled with interesting information about the movies and has behind the scenes anecdotes. So, I did like that.  I guess I was hoping for something a little more entertaining.  To me, the book was a bit long-winded and dry.  It took me forever to get through just the first chapter. In that one, there is a huge information dump about Nora, her early life, and what led to her writing the movies. We are also given what felt like random information about all of the actors and actresses who were in the movies. It made the book seemed unfocused and not as entertaining as I would like.  So, I did find myself skimming at times.

I think fans of non-fiction and Nora Ephron will enjoy this book.  I wouldn't say it's one to read in one sitting.  Maybe one section at a time?

Purchase Links

About Erin Carlson

Erin Carlson has covered the entertainment industry for The Hollywood Reporter and AP. Her work has appeared in Glamour, Fortune, and the LA Times. She compiled and wrote an oral history of You’ve Got Mail for Vanity Fair. She holds a masters in magazine journalism from Northwestern, and has been profiled in the New York Times.
Follow Erin on Twitter.

Erin Carlson’s TLC Book Tours TOUR STOPS
Monday, August 21st: Ms. Nose in a Book
Thursday, August 24th: Kritter’s Ramblings
Friday, August 25th: Reading is My SuperPower
Monday, August 28th: Patricia’s Wisdom
Tuesday, August 29th: Books a la Mode– author guest post
Tuesday, August 29th: Kahakai Kitchen
Wednesday, August 30th: A Chick Who Reads
Thursday, August 31st: From the TBR Pile
Friday, September 1st: A Splendid Messy Life
Friday, September 1st: 5 Minutes for Books
Tuesday, September 5th: Becky on Books
Wednesday, September 6th: I Brought A Book
Thursday, September 7th: Reviews from the Heart
Friday, September 8th: Books on the Table
Monday, September 11th: Joyfully Retired
Tuesday, September 12th: Jathan & Heather

Throwback Thursday: Splendid by Julia Quinn

Author: Julia Quinn
First published in 1995 by Avon

There are two things everyone knows about Alexander Ridgely. One, he's the Duke of Ashbourne. And two, he has no plans to marry anytime soon...

That is until a redheaded American throws herself in front of a carriage to save his young nephew's life. She's everything Alex never thought a woman could be—smart and funny, principled and brave. But she's a servant, completely unsuitable for a highborn duke—unless, perhaps, she's not quite what she seems...

American heiress Emma Dunster might be surrounded by Englishmen, but that doesn't mean she intends to marry one—even if she has agreed to participate in one London Season. When she slipped out of her cousins' home, dressed as a kitchen maid, all she wanted was one last taste of anonymity before her debut. She never dreamed she'd find herself in the arms of a dangerously handsome duke... or that he'd be quite so upset when he discovered her true identity. But true love tends to blossom just when one least expects it, and passion can melt even the most stubborn of hearts.

I have pretty mixed feelings about this Splendid.  While I didn't love book, I did enjoy it.  The characters were fun and there was plenty of humor.  Emma is a great character and her antics wqere amusing.  I loved the way Emma and Alex became friends before they became lovers.  I loved their banter and their HEA was fun.  The secondary characters were also endearing, especially Belle and Dunford.  

What I didn't like was the length.  I listened to the audio and It took forever to get through it.  It was really too long. It could have used some serious editing.  There were several scenes that really didn't do much to advance the story and could have been left out.  I also thought, at times, Emma sounded too much like a modern american given the year this takes place.  But that probably a bit nit picky.  IN all, it was a fun story and worth checking out.  

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Blog Tour: Excerpt of Here Comes the Bride by Hope Ramsey

Author: Hope Ramsay
Series: Chapel of Love, #3
On Sale: August 29, 2017
Publisher: Forever
Mass Market: $7.99 USD
eBook: $5.99 USD
Audio: $19.98 USD

There goes the groom . . .

For Professor Laurie Wilson, planning her wedding to longtime boyfriend Brandon Kopp has been a whirlwind. But somehow, between all the cake tastings and dress fittings, she never imagined being left at the altar. In the aftermath, she does what any sensible woman would—she swigs champagne and considers keying his car. Until someone knocks on her door with a much better idea for revenge.

Best man Andrew Lyndon thinks Laurie's better off without Brandon. But Laurie's father—and Andrew's boss—isn't going to accept anything less than a reconciliation. And he's made it Andrew's problem to solve. So Andrew decides to make Brandon jealous by setting Laurie up on a string of "dates." After a couple of weeks, Brandon will be begging Laurie to take him back. But Andrew's plan works a little too well because suddenly he's the one falling for Laurie—and planning a proposal of his own.


Enjoy this excerpt:

Laurie was busy killing her waistline with her days-long ice cream, popcorn, and pizza binge. But hey, she didn’t have to worry about fitting into the beautiful lace wedding dress anymore. And binging on junk food and all twenty-six episodes of the first two seasons of House of Cards kept her mind off her troubles.
But she hadn’t watched more than fifteen minutes before someone knocked on her front door. Damn. Couldn’t people just leave her alone? But then whoever it was decided to peep through the gigantic living room window that overlooked her rickety porch.
Laurie’s heart soared. The visitor who pressed his face up against the grubby window pane was definitely male. For an instant, she thought it might be Brandon, come to tell her that calling off the wedding was a horrible mistake.
But the guy on her porch was taller and thinner than Brandon. “C’mon, Laurie, open the door,” he said as he raised a green and red donut box. “I brought Krispy Kremes.”
Speak of the devil. Andrew Lyndon himself. The best man. With donuts.
She hauled herself up from the couch and padded to the front door. She cracked it open. “I’ll take the donuts, please.” She reached her hand through the narrow opening.
He cocked his head like an adorable puppy with big, soulful eyes. “You don’t get the donuts unless you let me in.”
“I’m not dressed for company,” she said, glancing down at her pink bunny slippers, gray sweatpants, and George Washington University sweatshirt. She’d been wearing these clothes since Sunday afternoon.
“I’m not company,” he said.
“No? Then why are you here bearing bribes?
Andrew’s mouth twitched. “Your dad sent me.”
How could you not like Andrew when the guy always told the truth? He was dependable. And honest. “Why did he send you and not come himself?”
“I don’t know. I’m here to talk to you about an idea.”
“What kind of idea?”
Andrew looked away and to the left, his body language screaming discomfort.
Laurie was suddenly intrigued. She opened the door wide and knew a moment of humiliation as he scanned her from head to toe. She hated the look in his eyes. Was it pity? She didn’t want anyone, least of all Brandon’s best friend, to pity her. “So what is this idea?”
“Teaching Brandon a lesson.”
“How? And why would you be interested in doing that? I mean, you’re his friend, right?”
He looked her straight in the eye. “Yes, I am. And I also work for your father.”
“Right. So conflicted.”
He nodded. “Your father wants to help you and Brandon get back together. He’s enlisted my help.”
She snatched the box of donuts from his hands. “I’m really sorry, Andrew. He can be a pain in the butt. But thanks for these.” She clutched the box to her breast and tried to shut the door in Andrew’s face.
Unfortunately, Andrew had good reflexes. He wedged his foot in the door and forced it open.
She retreated in the face of his superior strength, but not without a snarky retort. “I’m not sharing the donuts.” She selected a donut from the box and nodded her head at him. “Okay, you’ve got exactly five minutes for whatever it is you came to say.”
 “On Saturday, when I asked you what you wanted, you told me that you were willing to forgive Brandon. Do you still feel that way?”
A rush of sugar coursed through her as she sank her teeth into the donut. There was nothing in the world—not even sex— as good as a Krispy Kreme. She thought carefully about Andrew’s question as the donut melted in her mouth. “I don’t know,” she said honestly.
Andrew nodded, as if her answer hadn’t surprised him in the least. “He broke my heart,” she added, just to be clear. “How can I forgive that?”
“Easy. If you love him and want to be his wife.”
“Not so easy. I mean, why did Brandon do that to me? We were together for so long.”
“What if that’s the problem?” he asked.
“What? That we’ve been together? Like it’s okay for him to get bored?” Although that’s exactly what had happened.
Andrew shook his head. “No, it’s more like fear of better options.”
“What does that mean?”
“Maybe he feels as if he never took the time to…I don’t know, play the field, sow some wild oats, whatever.”
“Right.” She took another bite of the donut. In a minute, she would ask Andrew to leave, and she would forget this unsettling conversation.
 “So,” he said when she was down to licking the sugar off her fingers, “what if we showed Brandon the consequences of looking for better options?”
“Okay. And what, in your judgment, are the consequences?”
“I’m pretty sure Brandon hasn’t thought through how he might feel if you decided to go out and play the field.”
“So you’re saying that if I do what Brandon asked me to do—go explore other options—it will make him jealous?”
“Well, sort of. See, I’m not suggesting that you actually date other people. I’m suggesting that you give the appearance of dating other people. In order to make him realize what an idiot he’s being.”
“Okay, how do I give the appearance of dating? What do I do, just go directly to and post a sexy profile?”
He leaned back in the chair, looking so completely comfortable that it irked her. “Instead of, I was thinking along the lines of setting you up on a series of show dates, with guys Brandon either knows or admires or even hates. In short, guys that will annoy the crap out of him. We’d arrange them so that Brandon either sees you out with someone else, or hears about it. I’m betting that seeing you out with someone else will drive him crazy.”



Photo credit Wess Brown

Hope Ramsay is a USA Today bestselling author of heartwarming contemporary romances.  Her books have won critical acclaim and publishing awards. She is married to a good ol' Georgia boy who resembles every single one of her Southern heroes. She has two grown children and a couple of demanding lap cats. She lives in Virginia where, when she's not writing, she's knitting or playing her forty-year-old Martin guitar.


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

August Mini Musings

Arm Candy:   This one was kind of a fail for me. I did read the whole thing, but I really didn't like either of the characters. I thought the Davis "packages" were dumb and off-putting. What would possess a woman to want to sleep with someone who has slept his way through the entire city? Have some dignity! I didn't really buy into their love story. In the end, it ended up being the same story I've read before hundreds of times. I'm not really sure I can recommend it.

Asylum: This is the second book that I have read by this author.  I loved the first one.  While this one was entertaining, but not as good as the first book.  The reason for that is the time it took for them to actually get into the asylum.  It took a little too long.  But, once they made it in... talk about creepy! I definitely want to read more from this author.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Blog Tour: It's Messy: Essays on Boys, Boobs and Badass Women by Amanda de Candent

Author:Amanda de Candent
Publisher: Harper Wave
Date of publication: September 19, 2017

In this deeply personal collection of essays, creator of the The Conversation Amanda de Cadenet shares the hard-won advice and practical insights she’s gained through her experiences as businesswoman, friend, wife, and mother.
Amanda is on a mission to facilitate conversations that allow all women to be seen, heard, and understood. Through her multimedia platform The Conversation, she interviews some of today’s most bad ass women—from Hillary Clinton to Lady Gaga—in no-holds-barred conversations that get to the heart of what means to be female. Now, in It’s Messy, Amanda offers readers an extension of that conversation, inviting them into her life and sharing her own story.
From childhood fame to a high-profile marriage (and divorce) to teen motherhood to the sexism that threatened to end her career before it started, Amanda shares the good, the bad, and the messy of her life, synthesizing lessons she’s learned along the way. Through it all, she offers an original perspective as a feminist on the front lines of celebrity culture. Edgy, irreverent, poignant and provocative, It’s Messy addresses the issues, concerns, and experiences relevant to women today.

Anyone who knows me well would probably wonder why I would read a book like this.  I definitely don't fall under the current definition of feminist.  However, I do believe in having an open mind, free speech and keeping the lines of good debate open at all times.  I think that is what drew me to give It's Messy: Essays on Boys, Boobs, and Badass Women a try.  The book is a collection of essays written by the author on varying subjects and how they pertain to women.  

In the foreword, she states that this book really isn't one to be read in sequence. She hopes that it is one the the reader will skip around and read the chapters that may pertain to what is impacting their life right now.  I did skip around and read most of the essays.  The two that I was most interested in reading were "Porn Culture and it's Effect on my Vagina" and "How to Parent in the Time of Trump" 
I found myself agreeing wholeheartedly with one and not finding a lot to agree with in the other.  But, that is what makes this book special.  There is something in it for every woman.  You may not agree with it all, but keeping an open mind allows you to see another side.  It's worth giving it a try, so why not pick it up when it comes out next month.

Purchase Links

About Amanda de Cadenet

Amanda de Cadenet is a creative force with a lifelong career in the media. She began as a host on British television at the age of fifteen and became a sought-after photographer shortly after—as a result her impressive photography career already spans nearly twenty years. She is the youngest woman ever to shoot a Vogue cover and has photographed many of the most influential figures in popular and political culture. As a media entrepreneur, Amanda is the creator of The Conversation, a series that showcases her in-depth interviews on real topics with celebrated women. Whether it’s in conversations with Lady Gaga, Sarah Silverman, Zoe Saldana, Chelsea Handler, or Gwyneth Paltrow, or in discussions with devoted followers of her social channels, Amanda delivers an honest and authentic voice. The series has aired in eighteen countries and is featured online, with over ten million viewers. In January 2016, Amanda conducted an exclusive one-on-one interview with presidential candidate Secretary Clinton. In February 2016, Amanda launched #Girlgaze, a digital media company utilizing user submitted content and highlighting the work of women Gen Z photographers and directors.

Find out more about Amanda at her website, and connect with her on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and YouTube.
Tour Stops
Tuesday, August 22nd: A Bookish Affair
Wednesday, August 23rd: Lit and Life
Thursday, August 24th: A Bookish Way of Life
Monday, August 28th: From the TBR Pile
Tuesday, August 29th: Bibliotica
Wednesday, August 30th: Comfy Reading
Thursday, August 31st: Book Hooked Blog
Friday, September 1st: The Geeky Bibliophile
Tuesday, September 5th: A Chick Who Reads
Wednesday, September 6th: Wining Wife
Thursday, September 7th: Patricia’s Wisdom
Friday, September 8th: Thoughts On This ‘n That
Monday, September 11th: Literary Quicksand

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Blog Tour: Review & Excerpt of Can't Hardly Breathe by Gena Showalter

Author: Gena Showalter
Publisher: Harlequin
Date of publication: August 29, 2017

New York Times bestselling author Gena Showalter returns with an irresistible Original Heartbreakers story about a woman who’s never felt desired and the man who wants her more than air to breathe…
Bullied in high school, Dorothea Mathis’s past is full of memories she’d rather forget. But there’s one she can’t seem to shake—her longstanding crush on former Army Ranger Daniel Porter.  Now that the sexy bad boy has started using her inn as his personal playground, she should kick him out...but his every heated glance makes her want to join him instead.
Daniel returned to Strawberry Valley, Oklahoma to care for his ailing father and burn off a little steam with no strings attached. Though he craves the curvy Dorothea night and day, he’s as marred by his past as she is by hers. The more he desires her, the more he fears losing her. 
But every sizzling encounter leaves him desperate for more, and soon Daniel must make a choice: take a chance on love or walk away forever.

Can't Hardly Breathe is the 4th book in the The Original Heartbreakers series.  It is definitely a welcome addition to the series.  This book focuses on Dorothea and Daniel. She was the one who Harlow worked for at the inn in the send book. Dorothea was bullied all through high school.  She has also had a crush on Daniel since they were little.  Daniel has moved back home to take care of his father.  He isn't looking for commitment, but Dorothea is tempting.

I enjoyed this one.  Although, I will warn you it is filled with a bit of angst.  I felt so bad for Thea.  She just couldn't seem to catch a break for most of her life.  She was always playing second to everyone else. I loved Daniel and Thea together.  Their banter was fun.  Their negotiations were hilarious. I was really rooting for them.  I was so hoping Daniel would finally stop being a butthead and quit letting fear of the future hold him back from loving someone.   In addition to her relationship with Daniel, I was really pulling for her to work things out with her sister Holly.

I definitely recommend this one.  It has great characters and some laugh out loud moments.  I am looking forward to Ryanne and Jude's story next!

Get your copy of CAN’T HARDLY BREATHE here!

Enjoy this excerpt!

Excerpt 3:

Hands trembling, she hooked the vacuum to the cart and rolled the cargo to the supply room…where her younger sister Holly was smoking a cigarette.
Coughing, Dorothea claimed the cigarette and stubbed the tip into an ashtray.
“Hey!” Eighteen-year-old Holly glared at her. “I wasn’t done.”
“You mean you weren’t done giving our guests lung cancer and stinking up the inn?”
“Exactly.” Ever the smart aleck, Holly tossed a piece of gum in her mouth and popped a bubble in Dorothea’s face. “Besides, we don’t really have guests, now, do we? Since you took over, only four people have stayed here. Mayor Trueman and his side slice, and Daniel Porter and whatever bimbo he happens to be banging.”
Not true! A few months ago, Dorothea had hired Har­low Glass, and everyone in town had rented a room to witness the former bully’s downfall.
Good times.
Dorothea hadn’t wanted to like Harlow, but dang it, something bad had happened to the girl in the years since
high school, and she’d changed. More than that, Harlow had done everything in her power to make amends, and eventually Dorothea had warmed up to her.
Now the beautiful brunette was married to reformed playboy Beck Ockley. The happy couple were expect­ing their first child in a few months.
A razor-sharp pang cut through Dorothea. Won’t think about my own—
Nope. Slam the breaks.
To ward off the oncoming pity party, she drew in a deep breath…slowly released it… Good, that was good.
She focused on her sister. Holly had pinned back the sides of her jet-black hair, the remaining locks tumbling all the way to the metal links anchored around her bi­ceps. She’d paired a crimson corset top—her first pop of color in months—with a ruffled black skirt, ripped fishnet stockings and combat boots caked with mud Dor­othea would have to clean from the floors.
In a town as small as Strawberry Valley, Oklahoma, Holly was a legend. Unique.
“My inn, my rules,” Dorothea said. “No smoking. Ever.” Besides, she suspected the teenager only ever lit up to aggravate her. Not once had Dorothea witnessed an actual puff.
“You’re worse than a Mogwai that’s been fed after midnight.”
A Gremlins reference? Seriously?
“No wonder Jazz left you,” her sister added.
Air hissed between her teeth. Holly might hate her guts, but the teenager loved to insult her, and this barb hit harder than most.

Rather than waiting for love, as Dorothea had dreamed, she’d settled for companionship, marrying the first guy to pay attention to her. Worse, she’d believed his words rather than his actions. I adore you and only want what’s best for you…for us.

About the author:

Gena Showalter is the New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author of the spellbinding Lords of the Underworld and Angels of the Dark series, two young adult series--Everlife and the White Rabbit Chronicles--and the highly addictive Original Heartbreakers series.  In addition to being a National Reader's Choice and two time RITA nominee, her romance novels have appeared in Cosmopolitan (Red Hot Read) and Seventeen magazine, she's appeared on Nightline and been mentioned in Orange is the New Black--if you ask her about it, she'll talk for hours…hours!  Her books have been translated in multiple languages.
She’s hard at work on her next novel, a tale featuring an alpha male with a dark side and the strong woman who brings him to his knees. You can learn more about Gena, her menagerie of rescue dogs, and all her upcoming books at or
Twitter: @genashowalter

Follow the tour:

August 21st
Obsessed by books – Review
Scandalous Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
The Book Maven – Review & Excerpt
August 22nd
Alpha Book Club – Review
Beware Of The Reader – Review & Excerpt
Evermore Books – Review & Excerpt
Melena`s Reviews – Review & Excerpt
The Romance Rebels – Review & Excerpt
August 23rd
Booknerd1107 – Review
East Coast Book Chicks – Review & Excerpt
Reads & Reviews – Review
Sweet Red Reads – Review & Excerpt
Under The Covers Book Lovers – Review & Excerpt
August 24th
Lynn's Romance Enthusiasm – Review & Excerpt
Read. Eat. Love. – Review & Excerpt
Reese's Reviews – Review & Excerpt
Shannonbookishlife – Review & Excerpt
August 25th
Never without a book in hand – Review & Excerpt
Reads All the Books – Review & Excerpt
August 26th
Brittany's Book Blog – Excerpt
Kayns Book – Review
The Lovely Books – Review & Excerpt
With Love for Books – Review & Excerpt
August 27th
From the TBR Pile – Review & Excerpt
Kdrbck – Review & Excerpt
Nessa's Book Reviews – Excerpt
August 28th
Book Angel Booktopia – Review & Excerpt
My Nook, Books & More – Excerpt
Read-Love-Blog – Review
The Book Reading Gals – Review & Excerpt
August 30th
As The Book Ends – Review & Excerpt
Nerdy Dirty and Flirty – Review & Excerpt
Red Cheeks Reads – Review & Excerpt
Smut Book Junkie Reviews – Review & Excerpt
August 31st
Embrace the Romance – Review & Excerpt
Milky Way of Books – Review & Excerpt
Once Upon a Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
September 1st
BJ's Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
Books and Things Blog – Review & Excerpt
Foxylutely Books – Review & Excerpt
Somewhere Lost in Books – Review & Excerpt
September 2nd
A Fortress of Books – Excerpt
Nicole's Book Musings – Excerpt
September 3rd
Francoise's Reading Corner – Review & Excerpt
September 4th
All Things Dark & Dirty – Review & Excerpt
Lover of Big Books Cannot Lie – Review & Excerpt
Rantings of a Reading Addict – Review & Excerpt
September 5th
Escape Inside the Pages – Review & Excerpt
Taylor Fenner's Bookish World – Review & Excerpt
The Sassy Bookster – Excerpt
September 6th
Travels N Reads – Review & Excerpt
Sassy Book Lovers – Review & Excerpt
September 7th
JOJO THE BOOKAHOLIC – Review & Excerpt
Sofia Loves Books – Review
Wrapped Up In Reading – Review & Excerpt
September 8th
Book Lovers Hangout – Review & Excerpt
Crazii Bitches Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
Dirty Girl Romance – Review
Stuck In Books – Excerpt
Shannon's Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
September 9th
ContemporaryCween – Review & Excerpt
G & T's Indie Café – Excerpt
Jax's Book Magic – Excerpt
Ms. Me28 – Review & Excerpt
Relentless Romance – Review & Excerpt